Forced Requisition timing issues with Dark World and other cards...


New Member
Friend and I had a question, basically, with the timing issues Forced Requisition can have... if not me, someone else is gonna try to run it with Dark World creatures.

First off, Dark Deal, I assume, should be able to activate Forced Requisition. The big thing though, is if a Dark World monster is discarded, that has the discard effect, is there any room to activate Forced Requisition in response to Dark Deal, or did the Dark World monster already effectively eat the timing?
Same thing with The Cheerful Coffin and the Dark World monsters and Forced Requisition?

Would it be possible to activate Forced Requisition at all with Dark World Lightning, or is the destruction the last thing to happen, instead of the discard, even though it's worded differently to the discard being an effect, instead of a cost?

My head is swimming already...
I'm pretty sure the Dark World's effects are mandatory, and would rob you of priority to respond to the discarding. HOWEVER, when the opponent sends priority back your way, you still have an open window to respond.

I beleive you would be able to activated it. The Dark Realm monsters effect doesn't activate until after the discard. You are chaining Forced Requisition to the discard.

As for Dark world Lightning. It should be ok to activate Forced Requisition after it resolves. I need to read the card to be 100% correct but the last thing to happen is the discard. If you don't destroy something you don't discard.
I highly doubt that. They trigger immediately upon being discarded, and begin a new chain as soon as the current resolves. You would have to chain FR to their activation, otherwise I don't see it working.

Well, from everything I've seen in the past, about everything causes Forced Requisition to miss the timing, so why should these be any different. ;)
I'm pretty sure the monsters would automatically have their effects go onto the stack, thereby the window the size of a needlehead to activate the card is already gone, thereby making yet another reason to pass by an otherwise very nice card in order to play something everyone else does.
To initially activate Forced Requisition would require that the last action of the game was a discard and nothing was still resolving. Graceful Charity, discarding to get down to 6 cards, getting hit by Delinquent Duo, that type of thing.

Thus the Dark World monsters being discarded (even by the effect of Dark Deal or Dark World Lightning) would allow the window for initially activating Forced Requisition. Once Forced Requisition has already been activated any discard will trigger the effect so a Dark World monster being discarded would trigger the effect just like any other discard and both effects are mandatory so neither can "miss timing" as far as that goes.

-edit- Though obviously everyone knows that the monster initially discarded that you are activating Forced Requisition in response to will not also trigger the Effect of Forced Requisition.
masterwoo0 said:
No. Forced Requisition has no window to chain. It's a lot like the Bottomless Trap Hole timing.

You must respond to the Discard only. When the Dark World Monster is discarded, it immediately starts a new event, so the last thing that happens is not a discard, but a Special Summon.

No, the dark world monsters use the chain.

It is no different than activating Bottomless Trap Hole in chain with Breaker's Effect.

The dark world monsters are triggered by a discard, but "activating" an effect doesn't change the last thing to happen. So you would chain Forced Requisition to the Dark World monsters effect.
It just is. I don't know how to explain it, except that the last event to occur is still the discard. When I summon Breaker, his effect activates, and you can chain Bottomless. The same applies here.

masterwoo0 said:
But how can you activate Forced Requisition in a chain to a Dark World Monster's effect??? How is that directly responding to a discard?

The discard is still the last thing to happen.

For example you could activate 3 copies of Forced Requisition to a single discard. The activation of cards does not create a "last event to happen," an entire chain is in response to the same event (if any). So if one can be activated they all can be activated.

Although the Dark World monsters will trigger regardless of the last even to happen, if the last event to happen was their discard, than the chain they begin is in response to the discard, and the timing for Forced Requisition exists.
You aren't chaining to the effect resolving, you are chaining to the effect activating. This is the exact same mechanic as when you chain to a summon of Mobius, or Breaker, with Torrential Tribute. The same as when you respond to an attacking Gravekeeper's Assassin with Mirror Force. The event occurs, the response chain is already started with an effect in link 1, but link 2 through infinity could all still respond to the event in the response chain.
Ok, just to make sure, let me see if I've got this down.

Scenario 1:
I have 2 "Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World" in hand along with "The Cheerful Coffin", and a set "Forced Requisition" from a previous turn.
I activate "The Cheerful Coffin" and discard the two "Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World"s. Both of their effects activate and form a SEGOC chain in which I can choose the order. I can now chain my set "Forced Requisition" to their effects activating since the last thing to have happened was still the discard of both monsters.

Scenario 2:
We'll take this one from the Judge's List.
I have 2 "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World" in hand, along with "Creature Swap", a set "Morphing Jar", and a set "Forced Requisition" from a previous turn on the field.
My opponent has a monster in face-up attack position, not a "LV2/LV4/LV6" or a "Samurai".
I activate "Creature Swap" giving my opponent my "Morphing Jar" and I get their face-up attack monster.
I attack flipping the "Morphing Jar" up and activating it's effect. We both discard our cards, activating the effects of my "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World"s, which do not miss the timing, but cannot begin until the current effect resolves ("Morphing Jar"). We both draw our 5 cards. NOW the effects of my "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World"s kick in and form a SEGOC chain in which I can decide the order to resolve them in. I want to activate my set "Forced Requisition", but I can't. The last thing that happened was NOT the discard of cards, but the drawing of cards, so the timing is now incorrect for "Forced Requisition".

Are both of these scenarios correct?