Found a Deck at the Sneak Peak (Seattle) want to Return it

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New Member
I found a deck at the Sneak Peak in Seattle, WA on 10-13-06. It is in a black deck box and I would like to return it. It is a spellcaster deck. I won't post what's in it so the owner can verify the cards if they happen to see this.

If anyone knows the best way I can return this, please let me know.


I have emailed Time Shields the TO already, as well as Cascade Games. Any help would be appreciated in this.
DarkMagicUser said:
I have emailed Time Shields the TO already, as well as Cascade Games.

This sounds to me like your best bet, since it's likely they've been or will be contacted about the lost deck.

And might I add ... you're quite the upstanding duelist to try and return the deck in the first place. It's good to know there are still decent folks out there :D

I hope you find it's owner. I'd be heartbroken to lose my spellcaster deck....
Thank you. It turned up in my backpack when I got home, I have no idea how it got there. So it must have been left at the table and I grabbed it (my deck is in a black deck box as well) on accident.

I know how upset I'd be if my deck was taken, etc, so I want to do all I can to get it back to its proper owner.
djp952 said:
And might I add ... you're quite the upstanding duelist to try and return the deck in the first place. It's good to know there are still decent folks out there :D
Yes indeed! We need more people like you around. Good show!
I couldn't agree more. Fortunately, I see this in the VS community a lot, but I'm happy that there are also still some YGO duelists that don't get their hands on everything they can and try to give it back to the original owner. :)

soul :cool:
Thanks all. What should I do if I don't hear anything? I think I can contact someone who works with Cascade Games through one of the card shops around here, but not sure.

Any help appreciated.
Restating things like this is never redundant. You really put a good feeling in my heart, mon(arh) ami :)
DarkMagicUser said:
Thanks all. What should I do if I don't hear anything? I think I can contact someone who works with Cascade Games through one of the card shops around here, but not sure.

Any help appreciated.

Well, this is just an idea, but if you can't find the owner what about sneaking off to your local shop, and finding the most "worthy" looking young duelist to donate it to? Somebody that likes spellcasters, is big into the game, and maybe doesn't have the means to get some of the cards I must assume are in there (DMoC and the like). You know ... the kid with the thread-bare Dark Magician shirt. Every town has one :D
Thanks. I still haven't heard back from them (emailed Sat night) but it'll prob be a little bit till I do. I'm also thinking I'll go through my card shop, see if they can contact Cascade games.
Great news! The deck owner has been found. I had made a trade with him near the end of the tourny, and that's when the mixup happened. So he will be getting his deck back soon.

This made my day.

He was very lucky to have lost it to someone so honest. I've had a similar experience with the loss of one my binders. Someone turned it into lost and found. Twice. I'm more careful now, but what were the odds of that happeneing two times? Props again for your honesty. I hope someone will do the same for you one day.
OUTSTANDING! I'm really glad to hear that you found the owner and all is well.

Man, there just aren't enough people like you in the world. :D My faith in humanity has just gone up a couple notches -- perhaps there is hope for us yet!

(I'll un-sticky this thread now, too)
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