Full time phoenix deck

Terry the Elder

New Member
Tribute (sort of)
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys * 3
Cyber dragon * 3

Non tribute
Hand of Nephthys * 3
Exiled force * 2
Neo-spacian grand mole
Asura priest
Treeborn frog
Twin-headed behemot
Marauding captain
Spirit reaper
D.D. Warrior lady
Hydrogeddon * 3

Enemy controller * 2
Brain control * 2
Rush recklessly * 2
Reinforcement of the army
Nobleman of crossout
Mystical space typhoon
Heavy storm
Snatch steal
Pot of avarice
Swords of revealing light
Premature burial


Torrential tribute
Ring of destruction
Call of the haunted
Mirror force

Rates fixes appreciated. It currently almost (irritatingly) stands against the local gadget decks, generally losing when within site of the finish line.
ok, "Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys" x3 = Bad Idea (It means something else but I won´t say it LOL), so u should reduce it at least at "SPoN" x2, also u need at least a couple of "Apprentice Magician" and a couple of "Old Vindictive Magian" also "Torrential Tribute" works
I agree with Lord Hades...

-1 Sacred Phoenix
-1 Hand
+2 Apprentice Magician (or 1 Apprentice, 1 Old Vindictive Magician)

Looks good overall though. This will hopefully just remove dead draws. After all, Phoenix can be Special Summoned from the deck.
or at least

- Asura
- Marauding

+ Flying Kamakiri #1
+ Flying Kamakiri #1

and maybe

- Drillroid
+ Sasuke Samurai

y/n? :eek:

-2 x Rush Recklessly
+2 x Smashing Ground/Dust Tornado?

Your deck doesn't seem to be able to make a come-back if your opponent pops a Banisher of the Radiance or Macro Cosmos.
Dude, your running 3x Hand... Where's APPRENTICE MAGICIAN?!

Actually, running 3x isn't that bad. Just run something that'll make up the potential dead card of SPoN. (Card Trader, Lightning Vortex, Snipe Hunter, etc.)

First many thanks to everybodys comments, much appreciated.

Don't have a sasuke samurai, but do have LV2, so will swap for drillroid.

Will drop to one SPoN and one hand for one dust tornado and one apprentice magician. And see how it goes.
Keep the three Hand of Nephtys in there and add in 2 more Marauding Captain.

Perfect play:
1. Special summon Cyber Dragon.
2. Summon Marauding Captain.
3. By his effect summon Hand.
4. Sacrifice Hand and Marauding Captain for Phoneix.
5. Nobleman of crossout.
6. Attack for 4500.