Fuzy Furry.


New Member
Not the otk, ok?

Monsters: 18
2x Cyber Dragon
3x Rescue Cat
3x Des Wombat
3x DD Crazy Beast
3x Crystal Beast Amtheyst Cat
3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
1x Sangan

Spells: 15
3x Smashing Ground
3x Rare Value
2x Brain Control
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Heavy Storm
1x Giant Trunade
1x Premature burial
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Snatch Steal

Traps: 9
2x Reckless Greed
2x Beast Soul Swap
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Call of the Haunted
Rescue Cat is awesome witht he Crystal Beasts! I know that this is not supposed totbe an OTK, but what if you added a Carbuncle or two, so that, when you Rescue Cat your Carbuncle, you can bring out all your little Pretties!!
Then Carbuncle is desroyed at the end, so he isn't easy prey. (I think I'll build a deck around that! Thanks for spawning a great idea!)
Also, you don't have much power boost for you Crazy Beast, et al. I understand the "take control/remove" idea, and you have great mill, but I'm concerened about Beat Downs, esp. with the Monarchs. What is your plan?
densetsu_x said:
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle is a Fairy, not a Beast and as such is not Cat-able.

Yeah, realized that when I tried to build just now!! RATS! Sorry....Don't normally work with Crystals. :redface
I tried ruby anyway in this build, and it didn't work out well. Although I love ruby's art tons better than Amtheyst cat, and I'd wish they would switch.

As for crazy beast, the targets I aim to actually remove are things like searchers in defense mode (not rat), trooper, malicious, and disk commander; so I don't have much of a problem with 1400 attack.