Gadget control, a new Era?

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Allrighty, so everyone's excited about the upcoming release of the gadgets and we've practically seen everybody post a deck using them. Anyhow, could anyone explain to me (newbish I know) how a gadget control is supposed to be built and work?
basically you just summon the gadgets and get ridiclious card advantage with them and use cards like snipe hunter to pitch them from your hand and gain massive field and hand advantage by summoning them each turn and you can use cards like ultimate offering and get an otk with gadgets.
The gadgets are of the most simplistic deck I've seen played. Throughout the duel, it's been basically summon a gadget your first turn, back it up with some defensive set, and keep this going turn after turn. Throughout the process your opponent finally uses all their resources, while you flourish because of drawing an extra card (a gadget) just about every turn.

Of course you can take the time out of your turn to instead Special Summon a "Cyber Dragon" to do you bidding and then a Gadget, but that's the most basic of gadgetry.

You can support your gadgets with any machine deck idea ever come up with. You can use them in many strategies; to get machines out quickly and give support to your "Chimeratech Overdragon", use the card advantage to fuel effects like "Sniper Hunter", use a simple "Ultimate Offering" to be able to storm the field in a single turn for an OTK with "Limiter Removal" or provide "endless" defenses, tribute them for an Ancient Gear Deck, use them as extra support for your "Cyber Phoenix" & machines deck, use them as -1 tradeoffs through your opponents' "Smashing Ground"s, etc., or combine any of the following ideas.

That should do it, if you get interested in Gadgets, your first goal is to get your hands on them, which very often is three sets of them. No matter your plans to develop for them, they should be fairly simple to be successful with. Good luck!
A Gadget control deck is based around the Gadgets (duh) and - mainly - monster removal, in most cases maximising the number of monster removal spells and traps.

The theory can be portrayed in a mock match-up:

Player1: *sets Treeborn Frog* Go.

Player2: *summons Green Gadget and brings Red Gadget to hand*
Player2: *attacks with Green Gadget and destroys Treeborn Frog*
Player2: *sets Sakuretsu Armor*

Player1: *brings back Treeborn Frog, Tributes for Zaborg the Thunder Monarch*
Player1: *destroys Green Gadget with Zaborg the Thunder Monarch's effect*
Player1: *Zaborg the Thunder Monarch makes a direct attack, but is destroyed by Sakuretsu Armor*

Player2: *summons Red Gadget, brings Yellow Gadget from Deck to Hand*
Player2: *attacks with Red Gadget for 1300 damage*
Player2: *sets Widespread Ruin*

Player1: *Treeborn Frog comes back and is again Tributed, this time for Mobius the Frost Monarch*
Player1: *destroys set Widespread Ruin with Mobius the Frost Monarch's effect*
Player1: *attacks with Mobius the Frost Monarch and destroys Red Gadget, dealing 1100 damage*
Player1: *sets Sakuretsu Armor*

Player2: *uses Smashing Ground to destroy Mobius th Frost Monarch*
Player2: *summons Yellow Gadget, brings Green Gadget from deck to hand*
Player2: *attacks and gets Yellow Gadget destroyed by Sakuretsu Armor*

At this point, Player1 may or may not have a creature to bring out (besides Treeborn Frog) and definitely has wasted a Sakuretsu Armor on a 1200 ATK monster.

Player2 on the other hand has 100% probability of having a monster in hand thanks to the Gadgets' effects. Top this with the slew of Spells and Traps that destroy the opponent's monster each turn, Player2 will eventually win in the war of attrition.

Theoretically, at least.
The theory is. You draw a card, PLUS you search a Gadget each turn. (i.e, Gadget Control decks, in theory, draws 2 cards per deck for 9 turns, i.e. until they run out of Gadgets) And since Gadgets instantly search another Gadget from their deck, it's +1 when summoned and thus instantly a floater. And you don't want to waste a card s/t effect on a floater.

Anyway, this have been a popular Meta in Japan for the longest time. (It's STILL popular, just taking a backseat for now cause of E-Hero Airman is a way better floater then Gadgets ever was)
Not sure what the word is in Japan, but does anybody know how Chimeratech OTK is doing there, out of curiousity.

Also, how do you guys go about listening into their meta anyway?
You should read some of the Metagame articles concerning Shonen Jump Orlando. About half of the duelists in the Top 8 used Chimeratech Overdragon, the winning duelist used Future Fusion, Overload Fusion, and Limiter. If my memory is correct he used 16 Machine monsters for the Fusion. Personally I think, that the basic Cyber Dragon deck with the Cyber Cards (including Esper, Pheonix, Cyber Barrier, and Cyber Laser, but not including the The Fiend Megacyber and Cyber Raider) and the so-called Chimeratech Overdragon deck are one in the same. What else is someone going to run besides Machines in this deck. I am very suprised that despite Future Fusion being limited to one, that Team Nexus duelists were still able to pull it off. Chimeratech Overdragon the most powerful fusion ever!

In addition, the Cyberdark Dragons which I like more, have not really seen a lot of play in the tournament circuit. Even though I am hoping that I get some Unlimited edition versions of these cards.

Side Note: I purchased several DR3 packs via Ebay, and I am one Masked Dragon short. If any has any DR3 commons or DR3 Masked Dragon please let me know. Anyone can feel free to PM me any time they so desire.
Chimeratech OTK was running wild in Japan back in the days of 3x Future Fusion. (It was either, you run it, or you lose :p) But right now, not that popular. Besides, they have Messenger of Hades Gors, to somewhat tone down any threat of OTK. (They have to kill the foe with 8000+LP damage in one shot or they risk Gors summoning. But then there's Kuribohs. Another words, alot harder to pull OTK in OCG) Heck, right now, D-Hero OTK is a bit more popular then Chimeratech OTK if I'm correct.
They fully abuse the power of 3x E-Hero Airman and not just "Airman gets another Airman", but Airman gets D-Heros. They use Foolish Burial to dump one of Dashguy/Dasher, Diabolicalguy/Malicious, Yomigaeru/Treeborn Frog or Dandylion along with using Monster Gate/Reasoning. (Treeborn Frog/Malicious/Dandylion/Scapegoat for free tributes for Monster Gate) and well, swarm the field after Heavy/Giant Trunade for OTK. It works only cause of 3x E-Hero Airman, without that, the whole deck theme falls apart.

They also have some Diamondguy/Diamond Dude. Since Monster Gate/Reasoning/Heavy/Trunade/Destiny Draw are all Normal Spell cards. (They don't even need to tribute for Monster Gate if effect by Diamondguy) And Destiny Draw have even less chance of being a "dead spell card" in hand cause of 3x E-Hero Airman access.

e.g. Activate ROTA, get E-Hero Airman, Normal summon Airman. Search D-Hero Diabolicalguy. Activate Destiny Draw, discard Diabolicalguy. Remove Diabolicalguy to summon another Diabolicalguy. Tribute Diabolicalguy for Monster Gate. Get another monster, remove another Diabolicalguy in grave for the 3rd Diabolicalguy, etc. You get the swarm theory.

NOTE: We can't really create this deck cause

#1: We don't have E-Hero Airman (This is the core of the deck)
#2: We don't have Dandylion. Really, Dandylion is usually the first card to be dumped with Foolish Burial. Instant 2x tokens for Monster Gate is alot safer then running 3x Diabolicalguy that have a chance of being dead cards in hand. And Dandylion is faster then Treeborn Frog for tribute fodders that's not really intended for tribute summons in the first place. (Treeborn Frog takes 1 turn later after Foolish Burial to special summon itself, Dasher takes some pot luck during draw phase, and thus people usually prefer Dandylion/Diabolicalguy for Foolish Burial over Frog in this D-Hero OTK build)
#3: We don't have Foolish Burial. Another card that really speeds up the OTK swarm part of this deck.
Anyway, that D-Hero OTK will probably be canned on March, when they either limit E-Hero Airman into 1~2x per deck. Seriously, they need 3x E-Hero Airman for that D-Hero OTK deck to work. (Not to mention they're using it "properly") It's like one of the very few ways to search Dashguy/Diabolicalguy. (Since they're LV6 and thus, not ROTA-able) Diabolicalguy can be search with Sangan/Tomatos, but Dashguy can't be searched by anything that's Advanced ruling legal right now (i.e. no Witch) other then E-Hero Airman.
drzero7 said:
They fully abuse the power of 3x E-Hero Airman and not just "Airman gets another Airman", but Airman gets D-Heros. They use Foolish Burial to dump one of Dashguy/Dasher, Diabolicalguy/Malicious, Yomigaeru/Treeborn Frog or Dandylion along with using Monster Gate/Reasoning. (Treeborn Frog/Malicious/Dandylion/Scapegoat for free tributes for Monster Gate) and well, swarm the field after Heavy/Giant Trunade for OTK. It works only cause of 3x E-Hero Airman, without that, the whole deck theme falls apart.

They also have some Diamondguy/Diamond Dude. Since Monster Gate/Reasoning/Heavy/Trunade/Destiny Draw are all Normal Spell cards. (They don't even need to tribute for Monster Gate if effect by Diamondguy) And Destiny Draw have even less chance of being a "dead spell card" in hand cause of 3x E-Hero Airman access.

e.g. Activate ROTA, get E-Hero Airman, Normal summon Airman. Search D-Hero Diabolicalguy. Activate Destiny Draw, discard Diabolicalguy. Remove Diabolicalguy to summon another Diabolicalguy. Tribute Diabolicalguy for Monster Gate. Get another monster, remove another Diabolicalguy in grave for the 3rd Diabolicalguy, etc. You get the swarm theory.

NOTE: We can't really create this deck cause

#1: We don't have E-Hero Airman (This is the core of the deck)
#2: We don't have Dandylion. Really, Dandylion is usually the first card to be dumped with Foolish Burial. Instant 2x tokens for Monster Gate is alot safer then running 3x Diabolicalguy that have a chance of being dead cards in hand. And Dandylion is faster then Treeborn Frog for tribute fodders that's not really intended for tribute summons in the first place. (Treeborn Frog takes 1 turn later after Foolish Burial to special summon itself, Dasher takes some pot luck during draw phase, and thus people usually prefer Dandylion/Diabolicalguy for Foolish Burial over Frog in this D-Hero OTK build)
#3: We don't have Foolish Burial. Another card that really speeds up the OTK swarm part of this deck.
Quoted For Emphasis. So... I'm thinking about moving to Japan... ;)
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