Helpoemer[/ycard]316]I watched all the coverage that G4 had on E3 on their E305 Live special. They showed Nintendo's unveiling of the Revolution, which was just a small black box really, nothing more, not even a controller. They announced that the Revolution would be backwards compatible with all Nintendo games, including old system games which you could downloading using their Wi-Fi connection to the system itself and play that way. The controller right now is the most talked about thing though, since there was nothing shown and Nintendo is known for their.... weird controllers I guess. The rumor going around is that it'll be a touchscreen of sorts, kinda like the DS touchscreen, but that of course is just speculation, no one outside the closed doors at Nintendo actually knows what it is.
So yeah, they showed off a new system at E3, it just wasn't as much of an unveiling like the PS3 and X-Box 360 were. Anyways, yeah, if you want to have a lot more discussion on the Revolution, take it to the Revolution board,

. Beyond that, let's get back to the Game Boy Micro.