Game Boy Micro

Well small fingered children might be more inclined to play it or hours on end. And women might find it a cute. Some anyway. If your one of those thick fingered knuckle draggers, though, you may have a problem. ;) Not that I know any knuckle draggers. :rolleyes: This is definitly one of those wait and see type of products. I like it just for its size.
Speaking of its size.... I think I'd lose that thing in my pocket. Or leave it in my pocket and have it get washed. Or anything really. I dunno, with something that small... I'd just feel like my hands were eating it.

But - it is supposed to have the best screen ever put into a handheld, right? That oughta be worth something.
[ycard="DR1-EN006" said:
Helpoemer[/ycard]316]I watched all the coverage that G4 had on E3 on their E305 Live special. They showed Nintendo's unveiling of the Revolution, which was just a small black box really, nothing more, not even a controller. They announced that the Revolution would be backwards compatible with all Nintendo games, including old system games which you could downloading using their Wi-Fi connection to the system itself and play that way. The controller right now is the most talked about thing though, since there was nothing shown and Nintendo is known for their.... weird controllers I guess. The rumor going around is that it'll be a touchscreen of sorts, kinda like the DS touchscreen, but that of course is just speculation, no one outside the closed doors at Nintendo actually knows what it is.

So yeah, they showed off a new system at E3, it just wasn't as much of an unveiling like the PS3 and X-Box 360 were. Anyways, yeah, if you want to have a lot more discussion on the Revolution, take it to the Revolution board, ;). Beyond that, let's get back to the Game Boy Micro.
It'll be interesting to see how you can play Virtual Boy games.

Although, why was the Virtual part even needed??
*Shrugs* I don't know. When it was out I was a lot younger and dumber. A friend of mine had one and I would play it... I'd also play the one that they had set up at K-Mart or Wal-Mart. That thing was actually dangerous if you played it for too long. I'm being serious, I was a victim of this as I'm sure many others were, but if you played it for longer then an hour or so and then stopped, when you looked around after seeing all that red on black background you literally couldn't see red colors, so in essence it would temporarily make you color blind.

That was a flop for so many reasons, even at the age of like 10 or so I knew that that thing was horrible to play, it hurt my nose with that headset thing and hurt my eyes if I played it longer then 10 minutes. The guy who made it was a genius, don't get me wrong, he created the Game Boy as well and God knows that the Game Boy has literally owned the handheld market for years (well, that may change with the PSP if Sony could get more software on it), but the Virtual Boy was horrible to play and was a flop for so many reasons, and yeha, you kinda make a point, it wasn't really "Virtual" at all, it was more or less a step back in graphics IMO, half the time you couldn't even make out what something was.
The Game Boy Micro is a handheld well designed for judges and players of tournaments. Slightly larger than an iPod mini, it can fit easily into a gamer's back pocket, even tight jeans.

Can you imagine it?

1st pocket - Wallet
2nd pocket - Cellphone and keys
3rd pocket - iPod mini, or USB flash memory, or any MP3 player, or just some gum.
4th pocket - Game Boy Micro..., or more gum.

The unit, which weighs 2.8 ounces, can also be hanged in the neck. Then, when the judge gets bored in the middle of a tournament, he could get the handheld quickly and play something before he gets called.

NOTE: Don't do what I said!!! Judges should be helping and not playing in duty!!!! :mad:
::judging with a micro:

kid: JUDGE!!!!!
Me: uh, hello? do you have a question? :: playing with GB micro game: WC05::
Kid: Um my opponent is cheeting.
Me: Hmm, well i dont really see it happening so ill allow it.
kid: but judge he really is cheeting.
Me: Dude, seriously, if you make me lose against yugi ill give you a game loss.
::head judge runs over playing the same game on micro::
HJ: uh, hello? Do you have any questions ::playing on GB micro::
Kid: im sorry i called you....