General questions about multiple chains

Dr Sin

New Member
1)Which are the phases of a turn that don't admit multiple chains (like the damage step, in which only one chain at all is allowed.. at least as I understand it).

2)If I am in the battle step, declare an atack to his monster, he activates Sakuretsu and I chain Seven Tools, can he still activate Waboku (in a new chain, of course, because he could not chain it to a spell speed 3 card) for example, before this attack resolves?

3) What is a SEGOC? (I see it a lot in the discussions, but I still don't know what it means)

Thanks in advance
pssvr said:
1) only one in the damage step. There are only two chains in the draw phase: one before you draw, where Drop Off comes in, and one after you draw, where Solemn Wishes comes in.
2) Yes
3) Simultaneous Effects Go On (a) Chain
Currently there is only 1 (ONE) effect in the game, that I know of, that happens BEFORE you draw. NOTHING ELSE happens BEFORE you draw!! That effect is "Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi", of course.

1. The damage step is pretty much the only spot where you're limited to the single response chain at a given point.

2. Yes, the opponent can activate just about 'any' Spell Speed 2 or 3 effect after "Seven Tools" resolves, PROVIDED it doens't have an activation clause, like attack declaration, for example, "Mirror Force", "Sakuretsu Armor", etc...

3. pssvr hit that on the nose.

Hope this helps!
Why does it make sense? What evidence to we have saying you can't? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you mind's a subject I haven't explored before so I'm probing.

I remember seeing something about this not long ago here...some part of a discussion, can anyone direct us to it? Specifically that is, multiple chains in the damage step.
Actually I believe there are 2 effects that can come before the draw phase, I just can't remember for the life of me what the other one is....and I've never seen it in play yet. It's been discussed on the boards here before.

1. The damage step is pretty much the only spot where you're limited to the single response chain at a given point.


Again, what evidence do we have to support this?...and again, I don't necessarily disagree, just looking for evidence.
Well I'm confused John, the wording on Drop Off states:

This card can only be activated during you opponent's Draw Phase. Your opponent immediately discards from their hand to the Graveyard the card they drew.

Isn't that basically what I said? And if so, how does your opponent gain priority in this case. I know that the opponent always has priority when they draw, but if do nothing that can stop this, it happens just as it's worded. What can your opponent play to stop this from happening when they have priority, Royal Decree?
John Danker said:
Again, what evidence do we have to support this?...and again, I don't necessarily disagree, just looking for evidence.
Hmm..evidence...what am I, a detective or something!

Let's look at different phases of the game shall we!

Draw Phase - multiple chains can happen here, no question.
Standby Phase - multiple chains here as well, no question.
Main Phase 1 - ditto
Battle Phase - broken down (uber simplified)
- Battle Step - absolutely
- Damage Step - no way Jose!
- End Step - yes again
Main Phase 2 - same as Main Phase 1
End Phase - I would hope so!

How's that for 'evidence'?
This card can only be activated during you opponent's Draw Phase. Your opponent immediately discards from their hand to the Graveyard the card they drew.[/i]

Notice that the text doesn't say it has to be the FIRST thing during the draw phase, it says DURING the draw phase.

The only way for you to get priority as a non-turn player is to have it passed to you by your opponent deciding not to begin a chain in that phase.
John Danker said:
This card can only be activated during you opponent's Draw Phase. Your opponent immediately discards from their hand to the Graveyard the card they drew.[/i]

Notice that the text doesn't say it has to be the FIRST thing during the draw phase, it says DURING the draw phase.

The only way for you to get priority as a non-turn player is to have it passed to you by your opponent deciding not to begin a chain in that phase.

Thanks for clarifying that for me John. I guess we crossed responsed.
"This card can only be activated when the last event to occur or resolve was your opponent drawing a card as the normal draw during his or her draw phase. The card drawn is discarded."

Not true, but it makes so much more sense.

No, Drop Off does not necessarily happen as soon as they draw. In any given phase the turn player has the right (priority) to begin a chain. If that priority is passed then the opposing player may activate Drop Off.

So, I saw that and thought: for example, let's say in my turn I activate Confiscation leaving only one card in my opponent's hand: Drop Off (I discarded a monster, for example). I pass, he draws, sets a monster and the Drop Off (as I know for sure it's Drop Off). He passes, and as I don't want to discard my draw, before I do this I activate Mystical Space Typhoon from my hand targeting Drop Off. The result is that I draw and don't discard, right? Or I really need to make the draw my first action on my turn?
And I think this question is related to what is being discussed rightnow (I may be wrong)...
Your draw must be your first action (other than a very few effects that are rare occurances which I won't get into right now) After your draw you may activate MST in your draw phase but your opponent may chain Drop Off to the activation of MST.