I just need a clarification. These cards change to defence position at the end of the battle phase where they ahve attacked. They cannot be changed back to attack positon until the end of the your next turn.
Some players are reading this is per 'Little Winguard' that is they are trying to say they can make a manual battle position change in the end phase of their next turn after attacking.
My reading of this is that the monster stays in defence for two of your opponents turns - that is you cannot make a manual battle position change until your next main phase after your next turn.
I know this is basic, but humour me I have a bad cough.
Some players are reading this is per 'Little Winguard' that is they are trying to say they can make a manual battle position change in the end phase of their next turn after attacking.
My reading of this is that the monster stays in defence for two of your opponents turns - that is you cannot make a manual battle position change until your next main phase after your next turn.
I know this is basic, but humour me I have a bad cough.