Goblin Switch Beatdown


New Member
Hi - first deck for your perusal below. This deck took my 7 year old to Top 8, and then as far as the semi finals on Saturday. :) Awesome match to watch.

The main elements are Earth. Driceratops for trample, and lots of Goblins. This deck is based on cards we have, but please suggest improvements, and I will go get the cards!

The trick to tis deck is Final Attack Orders to keep your goblins in attack mode. It is worth reading the rulings on this card, as it has some great side effects; if you attack a face down monster, the monster is switched to attack mode *before* damage calculation.

The second thread to this deck is beign able to get to Vampire Lord relatively easily. From seeing it in action the deck has enough utility to allow a change in direction mid-game.

Deck Name: Goblin Switch Beatdown
Author: Mark English
Count: 42

Monsters: 21
Dark Driceratops
Vampire Lord

Berserk Gorilla
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Cyber Jar
D.D. Survivor
D.D. Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Giant Rat
Gigantes x2
Goblin Attack Force
Goblin Elite Attack Force x2
Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei
Injection Fairy Lily
Magician of Faith
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Pyramid Turtle
Spirit Reaper

Creature Swap
Dark Hole
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Mage Power
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Rush Recklessly
Snatch Steal

Call of the Haunted
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Dust Tornado x2
Final Attack Orders x2
Magic Jammer
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Spell Shield Type-8
Trap Jammer


Deck Studio rocks.
I just sneezed. And a Tsukuyomi came out of my nose. How disgusting. I'm not saying you should put it in. Just telling you what came out of my nose, if you care. ;)
More goblins, more Lei leis, LESS non-Earth atributes, and ADD 2 or 3 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane!

I see alot of strategies here... The problem as I see it there is not enough synergy, to many tactics that many time contradict them selves.

I like the idea of a deck built around the gobins and lei leis, and you should focus on making that even better. One great card for them is final attack order, an other you might consider is Skill Drain, but that needs alot of work as well...

Any way, I'll let the Dark Driceratops in, even if FAO is negating to it, it still has trample when FAO hasn't hit the field, and it IS earth. BUT.... I would really loose the Vamp, as the only place you can see him work wonders is a zombie deck with proper support.

Anyway, thats that for now. I might take a better look at it later on. Hope thas far I was a bit helpfull ^_^

Thanks for the feedback so far.

Here, have a tissue. Better now? ;)

If only I had Spear Dragon :(

I think there is one main strategy, but enough flexibility to allow a tactical change in the deck - which is perhaps the tactics you refer to? I can see the utility of Kurogane (especially mid to end game), but can you suggest what to swap out to add them in?
The main strategy is to get Lei Lei, and the Goblins on the field with FAO.

The Vampire Lord is useful, especially with a lot of Sakuretsu Armor floating around. He is also relatively easy to get out (though can be expensive Rat->Turtle->Vamps in one battle phase). I have no strong feeling really though - would appreciate alternatives.
djsb1312 said:

Heh, the ol' orcs are best for a necrodeck nowdays. I would say an extra lei lei or goblin here. The 2300 is better than 2200 of them orcs, and well, even if you stick with elits, they have some defence to make it through. So, yeah, like I said, one more Lei lei or a gobli of your choice (1 more would be enough, instead of the turtle and ol'vamp)

That gives as a -2 for +1


- Magic Jammer
- Spell Shield Type-8
- Trap Jammer

You have PLENTY of S/T removal, especialy with the extra from Gigantes (great swarm/beatstic/ST Removers in Earth decks). SO

+2 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

Now you have more Earth support, fears 2300 attackers (that may stay in attack if all goes well) and guess what, a count of 40 cards! ^_^
Wow V-Lord in an Earth/Switch/Beatdown deck. ::blinks:: Riiiigghhhttt. Ok if you wish to keep the V-lord then we must get a little more Synergetic. An additional Pyramid Turtle's. This way if your first one gets killed and for some reason you can't get V-lord you can get a second turtle out. Also more food for Gigantis.
Occassus_Tenshi already started on the negation so I won't harp too much here. Consider Magic Drain though. That'll bother a lot of people. Compulsory is a -1 so remove it for Sakuretsu Armor.

Also, I don't understand Creature Swap here, but I don't honestly see what to replace it with.

Good luck with it. I like it.
Congrats to the little guy! He must have been bouncing off the walls after making it that far. Quite an accomplishment for one so young. Very nice indeed.
Occasus_Tenshi said:
<snip> yeah, like I said, one more Lei lei or a gobli of your choice </snip>

That gives as a -2 for +1

Thanks - the Vampire Lord was an outlier :) one of those whims ya know? I wish I had another Goblin, but it will have to be a Lei Lei. *sigh*

Occasus_Tenshi said:

- Magic Jammer
- Spell Shield Type-8
- Trap Jammer

You have PLENTY of S/T removal, especialy with the extra from Gigantes (great swarm/beatstic/ST Removers in Earth decks). SO
Hm.. Maybe take out Jammer, keep Spell Shield (free for targetting such as Enemy Controller and Snatch which are seeing a lot of play in the local meta), and keep Trap Jammer (Again local meta has a lot of Sakuretsu Armor and also Magic Cylinder has seen a come back)

Occasus_Tenshi said:
+2 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

Now you have more Earth support, fears 2300 attackers (that may stay in attack if all goes well) and guess what, a count of 40 cards! ^_^

I like the idea of Kurogane, and will look at getting this in - it will certainly help if FAO is not on the field.

PerfectZelgadis said:
<snip>Wow V-Lord in an Earth/Switch/Beatdown deck. ::blinks:: Riiiigghhhttt</snip>

Fair comment ... as I said above, a bit of an outlier one that. The deck was put together and not play tested.

PerfectZelgadis said:
<snip>I don't understand Creature Swap here</snip>

Well there is only one tribute, so it was a way of getting rid of small monsters. Again, thrown in there. Maybe replace with Magic Drain, and also replace the Compulsory with another Sak.

All good stuff - I am really looking forward to tweaking this deck... only hope I don't break it :)

Thanks all.
chaosruler said:
The Spiritual Earth Arts set up the combo for the OTK AND they make Sakuretsu Armor and Magic Cylinder null if you tribute the targeted monster.


Thanks for that - I had twigged onto the chaining to Sak etc because of another deck I am working on (but with Kurenai). But <expletive deleted>. You made me twig that in the semi final, a procedural error occurred - and I missed it, so did the judge. My son attacked with Gigantes, waited then said ' in the damage step I activate Rush Recklessly', and then the opponent activated Magic Cylinder. You can't do this. damndamndamn.