GoGHEP: The next drawing engine?

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Council of Heroes
Hey folks, something I'm curious to get feedback on. As we all are aware now, Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity are locked in the vault again for an indeterminate amount of time, and there seems to be a lot of buzz about what you're going to do to draw cards.

Even more surprising is the increased mention of what I like to now label "GoGHEP" in different threads here and elsewhere. Its not a lot, so you'll probably go searching around, but its more than I would have guessed.

What is GoGHEP? Let's first give credit where credit is due. A good fiendish friend, Waldo10032 as he is known over in the Realms, first came up with this idea WAAAY back when Good Goblin Housekeeping first came out and a few rulings had been solidified around the card.

For those of you not familar with it, here's how it works. Create yourself a chain of Good Goblin Housekeeping + Good Goblin Housekeeping + Emergency Provisions, tributing the two GGHs for EP's cost. The trick to this is that Good Goblin Housekeeping doesn't perform its card count until the resolution of itself. Even more importantly is that GGH doesn't have to remain on the field in order to resolve properly. So when all is said and done, you gain 2000 LP, then you get to draw 3 cards an put 1 at the bottom of your deck. Then do this a second time for the second resolution of GGH. You have now netted 4 cards to your hand and potentially removed two tributes that were clogging things up. That's a pretty massive boost out of 3 cards!

As you're probably realizing at this point, this chain is pretty crazy to pull off. Not to mention slow. First you have to get all three of these cards. Both EP and GGH is limited to 2 still in the current restriction list, so odds are you're going to have to get lucky or search for them. Plus if you're waiting to get the magic 3 cards, you run the risk of a Card Destruction ruining those plans.

However, there are some benefits on top of the simple LP/Draw power involved. While important to the overall drawing engine, GGH and EP can sit in your Spell/Trap zone as some nice removal bait or Trunade/Storm wasting. Given the spell speed of the cards, even when your opponent attempts to MST one of them, you could chain the card to it, get the effect, and have your opponent waste their resources.

So there it is, GoGHEP. What do you think? Is it too risky and slow to be worth it, or does it have potential to break the game wide open for you mid to late duel and give you the win? What do you think?
And the restricting was SOO dumb. I mean, it's a bit dumb even now, but back then, when pot and graceful weren't banned, NOBODY used this combo. Now, it MIGHT be useful, if they take housekeeping off the list. But you won't pull it off much until they do.

Ive done that plenty of times. mostly when i need the advantage.

but over all, i my self thought about using the Good Gooblins, but something isnt right about it.

basically, what isnt right about it is that first its a trap. second it takes 1 turn to activate.

its a basic 3 card combo if you want an insane advantoug, if you want a minimal then its a 2 card combo, much faster to pull off but not as big as a pay off.

which brings me to the next point in the combination.

you basically have to have the odd with you, so you will most likely need 2x EP and 2x GGHK which at this point in a 40 card deck for thouse that dont go over 40 meaning they have only 36 slots left to go.

lets now add the next basic necesety Premature, Dark Hole, and Heavy Storm.

so now your line up for spell and traps looks like

2x Emergency Provisions
1x Premature Burial
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm

thats only including the most used ones were there is minimal to no draw back.

now lets add the nobleman, the Lightning Vortex, the Brain Control, and the Card Destruction.

2x Emergency
1x Premature
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Card Destruction
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Brain Control
1x nobleman

we now have 9, spells, depending on how many monsters we run in a 40 card deck, we will soon notice that will not have much room for other cards. so lets say the deal is a 40 card deck, with 18 monsters, and a 22 spell/trap count.

we also have to remember our traps, so lets see how many we got.

first we need the GGHK because the purpose is to draw.


then we need the basic necesatties of Torrential and Call.

1x TOrrental
1x Call

we have 4 so far, lets make it go to 9 thats pushing it considering that Royal Decree and Jinzo are running rampant, but either way we can make it work, a little atleast.

so lets add now, 2x sakuretsu, because we need destruction, and 1x Dust Tornado becuase we need 1 more spell trap destruction

2x Sakuretsu
1x Torrent
1x call
1x Dust

now for the last 2 spell and traps, what could they be? we can easyly just add 2x bottomless and go on with our marry way, so why not.

2x Sakuretsu
2x BOttomless
1x Torrent
1x call
1x Dust

now with 9 spells and 9 traps in a 22 spell/trap count all we have left is 4 spells to put in. the next we put in is Mystical space, then the Smashing Grounds and the swords. or we can put in Mystical, Scapegoat, meta, and book, or

and so on and so on, from here on out, this is were it gets harder, becuase you need to focus on what you will want to do not to mention your monsters, what monsters are you using, can they step up to the heat and last.

and then when you shuffle, only becuase you have 2 of each doesnt mean they will show up on time when you need them, it increases the odd to getting 1 of each every 10 cards, but still in beetween thouse 10 some other stuff may come up.

i dont know, its hard, ive been wanting to use it, but again ive been wanting to make all sorts of decks and so forth, who knows how itll work.

i may try it, ill buy some sleeves sometime this week and work on a deck with it.
I'd also have to contest you saying he was the first... There may have been people before him. Heck, I know I thought up of that all by my lonesome, as I'm sure many others have.. ;)

I also think it's a great combo, but takes too long to do. You'd need at least two turns to set it up, and drawing all three of those at the same time? Please.

Nevertheless, if you can get it, it's great advantage.
Hmm, let's take into consideration OTHER cards as well.

Cyber Jar
Morphing Jar
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
Dark Mimic LV1
Airknight Parshath

Lets say you have a deck with just two Dekoichi, a Cyber Jar, and a Morphing Jar in it. That along is twelve cards plus the starting hand of five to make that an already seventeen cards out of the average deck size of 40 to 45 cards. Not bad IMO.

Now 2 Good Goblin Housekeeping with Emergency Provisions chained to them is another six cards but a solid four cards added to your hand. So you would have had access to at least 23 cards! (Yea yea, I'm ranting. Bored though..)

This isn't taking into consideration of each card you're drawing each turn. You could be using Different Dimension Capcules to help with the thinning and gathering pieces to the engine. So it isn't that hard to pull off IMO. Just everyone is dead set of having a 40 card deck. "Anything above 40 cards doesn't work!" =/
I really wouldn't count on trying to get the most out of GGH w/ Provisions. It's just not worth it. You are using valuable deck space for drawing when those spaces could be used for preventing attacks, or other magic/trap/monster cards.

I would say GGH is really good as tech. It's useful for decks that require you to return specific types of cards back to the deck such as LV monsters in your hand, or monsters that need to be searched out. Obviously, comboing with EP will enhance the draw power of GGH, but unless your deck can survive well with multiples of both cards, I wouldn't use them just for the sake of drawing.
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