Gravekeeper's with magical dimension


CoG iTrader
Any sugestion to my gravekeeper's/spellcasters deck? I have tried to take the most advantage of Magical Dimension, so I want to have as much spellcasters as possible.

Total of 40 Cards

Tribute Monsters (x3)

2 Gravekeeper's Chief
1 The End of Anubis

Non Tribute Monsters (x16)

3 Gravekeeper's Assailant
1 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
3 Gravekeeper's Guard
3 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
1 Old Vindictive Magician
1 Sangan
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Magic Cards (x14)

3 Necrovalley
1 United We Stand
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Terraforming
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Smashing Ground
2 Magical Dimension

Trap Cards (x7)

1 Trap Hole
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Rite of Spirit
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
I believe that magician circle is not that good, since if i don't have a spellcaster it can be a dead draw.

I was thinking in adding a Dark Magician of Chaos, it helps a bit since it removes the mounsters destroyed and negates the effects of searchers.

Any thoughts about this?
greeneyescat said:
I believe that magician circle is not that good, since if i don't have a spellcaster it can be a dead draw.

I was thinking in adding a Dark Magician of Chaos, it helps a bit since it removes the mounsters destroyed and negates the effects of searchers.

Any thoughts about this?

Magical Dimension would be a dead draw without two spellcasters
With Necrovalley out DMoC would net you no real advantage, even if it was summoned by magical Deminsions. I agree with Tiso on the addition of Magician's Circle. Most non-spellcaster decks only run Breaker and MoF therefore Magicians circle equals a good smack on the head. Even if you run into the odd Injection Fairy Lily flying around, you can still use Gravekeeper's Assailant to smack that into defense mode and make her effect Null and Void.

Also take your Gaurds down to 1, and add in another Old Vindictive Magician and Apprentice Magician, those two comboed in this agressive format are just evil. Going up on your monsters won't hurt as much as you think. Also consider removing one of the Chief's for Mobius, seeing as for some unknown reason Gravekeeper's are super weak to burn. (I still can't figure out why.)
I used to run mobius, but found out in trouble when Sangan, The End of Anubis, Mobius and Magical Dimension appear at the same time. Nevertheless, he is still in my side deck for those burn decks around. I have realized why they so weak against burn decks, it is because the best gravekeepers are 4 stars up and none of them really negate effects. With some mayor changes they do really good against those kind of decks.
I have never found chief that useful, but have you considered adding a Lily? It gives you something else to pull with Magicians Circle and Magical Dimension, and if you do end up against a burn deck, will allow you to attack under most of the stalls.

I always used to find that Morphing Jar is good for GK, as especially with circle and dimensional you can go through your hand so quick! Cyber Jar can be useful for the same reasons.
The jars are useful but they give too much advantage to your opponent. If i don't have Necrovalley on the field my gravekeepers are weak and get blasted most of the time. I used to run a Cyber Jar and many times lost due to it.

A Lily could be a good one, magician circle has many odds do you think it worth the risk?