GX03-EN003 Masked Chopper

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New Member
masked chopper:

If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict 2000 damage to your opponent.

100 attack and defense, 1 star.

There's something different about this card not seen with cards of similar effect: it doesn't say the monster needs to be sent to the grave. I think this card can be put to good use with some protection and a few ojama trios.

Any thoughts? I'm assuming you get his effect with tokens, as it doesn't matter if they go to the grave or not. You'll also get to put old cards, like stop defense, to use.

Each token destroyed should give 2300, plus any battle damage if there's an equip card on the chopper and you use stop defense.
Yes, you can kill tokens and burn your foe with 2000LP damage. This card literally screams, "I eat Sheep tokens for breakfast".

The weakness is the obvious 100ATK, so you should try to boost it's stats. Probably stuff like a sheep tokens of your own and United We Stand should be good. (maybe a trample equip along with it for burn + pierce damage)
A deck around this card and similar (ben kei, because of equipments) should be fun. Even good, if enought fast
And with 1000 Def you'ld need something like Final Attack Orders, or Axe of Dispair. Maybe add a Dark Room of Nightmare for 3000. 100 (dam.) + 2000 (MC) + 300 (DRN) + 300 (OT) + 300 (DRN again). Yes, I see potential. Creature Swap a goat? Very vindictive against Giant Orc, Lei Lei, or Spear Dragon!!
The fairy box idea is genious. Thank you. I'll also add the usual gravity bind and level limit, since masked is level 1.
United we stand, mage power (instead of axe) would be required to boost it, if you want to take anything out other than tokens. Swords would also add to stall value.
Of course you'll need a bit of power behind you to kill anything else, but the way I'm trying to build it is to work around the tokens mostly. There will still be other ways to kill monsters with it, hopefully, since it'd be a bit hard to rely on just the tokens.

I'll probably put in a couple cat of ill omen.
I liked the idea of fairy box (i think you can also use covering fire or curse of anubis with this card). But, the ojama trio+final attack orders+masked chopper could be easily replaced by the asura priest+ojama trio+final attack orders=6000 dmg/asura priest+ojama trio+final attack orders+700 or higher attack boost=Game
I have an incomplete masked chopper deck. I played my friend last night. Got out a chopper, killed a token. His turn: He attacks, I activate fairy box and get a heads: he quits.

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