gyroid (crv)- the new reaper

Attrib: Wind
Type: Machine/Effect
Atk: 1000
Def: 1000
Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally).

Could this card be the new reaper card, has to be attack twice before its dead and once flipped down its effect is reset. i have tested this card in replace of the reapers i lost froma deck and it seems to work well.
Try comboing it with The Dark Door- this means that opponents can only attack once, hence gyroid stays around longer. At least until it gets hit my ring of destruction, smashing ground etc.

Being a machine; and sangan/last will-able doesnt harm either.
Another way is Heavy Mech Support Platform. Now you have to hit it 3 freaking times and can survive Smashing Ground, Ring, etc.

Another roid that's annoying as Gyroid is Submarineroid. Attack directly for 800LP each turn and goes into 1800DEF. The only real monsters that can go through 1800DEF these days are Cyber Dragons or Monarchs by competitive level (Chaos is banned so...) And if your foe have another monster on the field, (Like say a Tomato) tributing that for a Cyber is such a waste. But yeah, in a machine deck, Gyroid is definately good.
drzero7 said:
Another way is Heavy Mech Support Platform. Now you have to hit it 3 freaking times and can survive Smashing Ground, Ring, etc.

Another roid that's annoying as Gyroid is Submarineroid. Attack directly for 800LP each turn and goes into 1800DEF. The only real monsters that can go through 1800DEF these days are Cyber Dragons or Monarchs by competitive level (Chaos is banned so...) And if your foe have another monster on the field, (Like say a Tomato) tributing that for a Cyber is such a waste. But yeah, in a machine deck, Gyroid is definately good.

Even though Steamroid goes up 500 ATK points when "it" attacks it still goes down 500 ATK points when "it is" attacked. So there is a down side to Steamroid.

Gyroid defiantly has its usefullness, but I can't compare it really with Spirit Reaper. Y'all are trying to use cards to support it so it can be like Spirit Reaper, when Spirit Reaper could do that by himself, not to mention have the discard effect. Truthfully, 1 Spirit Reaper is plenty this format. In reality of this format, Gyroid has Spirit Reaper's problems and then some. I would prefer not running Gyroid at all, or if so, make sure it's in a Kamakiri #2 theme, but even that might not happen, depending on the deck.
I agree with English Chef. kind of. Gyroid and Dark Door are a great combination as a stall in a burn deck. But i Also agree with Oceanus. Gyroid seems to be a compromise between the best and worst of SR. None of the automatically destroyed parts, but not physically invulnerable.
I think Spirit reaper's better because of the discard effect, even though it's killed automatically with target effects. It also has less attack points, though. Oh well...