have you notice

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Have you notice that yugioh card selection is growing kinda thin.
What I mean was when the older sets came out, everyone had to get mirror force, black luster soldier, chaos emporor dragon, yata, d.d. warrior lady, sinister serpant, jinzo, dd assailent, morphing jar, ect.
Well now that some of the newer sets came out, only cyber dragon has kept his most desire and the rest fizzle out like a wet noodle. I ain't saying there isn't some good cards, I'm saying I remember when the older cards came out and everyone had to kill for it. the crush card coming out will be a big pickup, but not really since it coming as a common and that it's out of a structer deck. I feel with so much relesses of the structer decks and all, I don't care if the card is shiny and worth money when I can make the same deck for 30.00 useing 3 structer decks. Plus I see alot of cards but not a whole lot of interest for them anymore. I even traded all my tradable cards for magic cards myself. I kepted my main deck and a few choiced cards but I just feel my interest just hasn't been there.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were talking about people getting all the used-to-be-impossible-to-get-cards. Well, some of them are and some still aren't. I know there's not a whole lot of variety with rare cards. But there are still people without Mirror Force, D.D. Assailant, etc. And true, Cyber Dragon is in high demand, but it's not that hard to get anymore (Zane Duelist Pack). Sure, there has been a different trend of released cards lately. I did the 3 decks thing myself when the Gadgets came out.

The point of the matter is, some cards are still really hard to get, while others are as easy as walking into any random store and buying a starter deck. That doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon, but that just makes it easier for those who can't really afford expensive cards. And trust me, there's a lot of us out there.
2 things just to highlight from the above 2 posts.

1) Crush Card Virus is not coming out as a Common. We're not getting SD12. That pretty much was confirmed by UDE when they said they're cutting back on Structure decks to only releasing 2 this year: SD10 which we already got, and SD13 which should be out around October. We got the "new" cards from SD11 and SD12 as add ons to Strike of Neos and Force of the Breaker. So please stop passing on that it's coming in a Structure Deck. Only if you live in Japan will you see it in a Structure Deck.

2) The Zane Duelist Pack Cyber Dragon is a Super Short Print. It might be a "Rare", but it's extremely hard to pull (as evidenced by people who said they bought boxes and didn't pull even 1). You'd have an easier time pulling the Super from CRV. Of course, there's the Tin version too. Just saying that the version you mentioned is actually the hardest to find.
Personally I believe the card pool is growing immensely. When making decks, it's sometimes actually fairly difficult to make a choice of what to put in. Even for the side deck, I'm starting to hate the 15 card restriction as it's difficult to cover the decks of the format.

The fact that nobody is going out and hyping about many cards is probably a statement saying that there are no staples anymore. It's not saying that there's nothing playable in the recent sets at all. Consider Strike of Neos and Force of the Breaker for a moment. Both of those sets have had a huge impact on the metagame, increasing the number of threats and the diversity. We've also obtained playable counters to highly popular decktypes and support for older themes. Even Harpies can be a devastating deck type with that field searcher of theirs, it's literally having 6 or more Uber-Breakers in a deck.

If you're complaining about reprints, reprints are necessary to keep the game alive. The majority of the old sets are long out of print and any newcomers would have a difficult time getting what they need from those sets, such as Mirror Force, Snatch Steal etc. Also, it ensures the game is no longer a "rich man's game" and gives everyone an opportunity to compete competitively. As another random point, should you deck get stolen, it would be simple to obtain all of those hard-to-get cards again without having the spend a large amount. Having a deck of only commons would make your deck less attractive to steal if you want to put it that way as well. :p
I'm not talking about rarity of cards. I'm mainly talking about cards that people would die for. I saw grand mole and everyone wanted him, now he is just a fun card but ok if you have it but who cares if you have type of things. I didn't know they came out with the whole structer deck thing. That is very interesting and can kind of hurt them. I do like structer decks alot. We just need a structer deck that has a mirror force and were all set.
There are just more different decks out there that don't have to rely on the same cards anymore. There are still the uber valuable ones, like Card Trooper, but then there are the ones that are more deck specific, such as Rare Value or Destiny Draw (everyone would play pot of greed if they could).

Too many cards were too good back then. That's why everyone wanted those cards: To play the same deck. Isn't that what everyone hated? I know it bothered me. You draw your BLS before I draw mine......good game. I like it better now, where cards are more available for decks that are at least decent, and there is a larger field of varied decks. Sure, it means judges have to think about more separate card interactions (like what happens when a crystal beast would be BTH, and why it's not the same with Macro Cosmos), but at least there is more to the game now than "let me dump some light and dark weenies in the graveyard to go for game" Did you really see many people play Don Zaloog when BLS was around? Not in my area, you didn't. Didn't want to drop the opponent's night assailant and let them get their MoF back so they could reuse pot of greed, sacrifice MoF for Jinzo and then remove NA and MoF for BLS.

Anyway, the structure decks just give players guaranteed access to the better cards, as long as it is the right structure deck. I'm kind of suprised mirror force hasn't been in one yet. And definitely makes it a lot easier to cope with having a deck stolen. Ooo, I lost my common heavy, limiter, sak armors, and crap. There went 50 bucks, not 500. And I don't mean to be a spelling nazi, but it's STRUCTURE, not structer. I wouldn't have said anything, but it's in there like that about 30 times.
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