Help With Kaibaman!


New Member
His effect says "Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand." What i want to know is can i summon then right after sacrifice him for BEWD or do i have to wait one turn? I also want to know can he be face down when i sacrifice him? Thanks!
It says right on the card it's a special summon, so you could normal summon Kaibaman and sac him to special summon BEWD in the same turn. And yes, you can use his effect while he's face down.
Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand.

As long as he is face up, there are no restrictions (except that it has to be during your main phase) on when you can use his effect to tribute the card to special summon BEWD.

Edit: Geesh, you wait a minute before you post and a half dozen other people beat you to the punch. :D
Well, there are restrictions since it is an Ignition effect. You can't use it during your Battle Phase. You can't use it during your Opponent's Turn. But if it's your Main Phase 1 or 2, you can use it.