hmm question on demise

ok here the scene

opponant has
spear dragon and ring set

i bring out my demise and use effect to blow the field.
opponant chains ring.

now does demise effect still resolves? I say "yes" but he says "no". reason he gives cause its no longer on the field. With so many new judges that don't really know some rules or changes, they end up saying wrong rulings and people come back from regionals stating " a judge at regionals said it can be done. So many people even heard same thing.
When a monster's effect activates, unless it's negated by Divine Wrath (or Pulling the Rug if the conditions fit), destroying or otherwise removing the monster from the field usually has no effect on the effect resolving. So Ring-ing Demise in this case will still destroy the field.
redlordofvampires said:
ok here the scene

opponant has
spear dragon and ring set

i bring out my demise and use effect to blow the field.
opponant chains ring.

now does demise effect still resolves? I say "yes" but he says "no". reason he gives cause its no longer on the field. With so many new judges that don't really know some rules or changes, they end up saying wrong rulings and people come back from regionals stating " a judge at regionals said it can be done. So many people even heard same thing.

Player activating Demise's effect pays the 2000 LP cost to "blow up the field." Opponent chains Ring to the activation of Demise's effect and targets Demise. Chain resolves with both players taking 2400 LP damage for the destruction of Demise and Demise's effect resolves with all the cards on the field being destroyed, including Demise. Turn player also loses the additional 2000 LP damage for the cost of Demise's effect.
End result- Turn player down 4400 LP and no cards on the field, including no Demise.
Opponent down 2400 LP and no cards on the field.
CL1 Demise, pay cost of 2000 life---> CL2 Ring of Destruction--->pass--->pass--->the chain resolves in reverse order:

-CL2 resolves, destroying Demise and dealing 2400 damage to both players
-CL1 resolves, destroying all remaining card on the field.

it's that simple. Removing the source of an effect doesn't negate the effect. If what the person at your local store said was true, you could negate Mirror Force by chaining Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it in response... which in reality does NOT negate it.

P.S. "CL is an abbreviation for "chain link"
a friend had given me a way to think about these situations - may or may not help...if some one fires a gun and immediately after the gun is destroyed - did that stop the bullet? in this instance - activating demise' effect is firing the gun, its effect would be the bullet, and RoD is destroying the gun...bullet is not stopped...or in ygo terms - negated...the analogy works alot - just watch for cards that have to be face up and on field to get off effect/resolve...field spell, continuous trap or spell, equipcard, and a few monster effects - that covers alot but not all...