Hold on a sec ... is THAT a Nationals prize card?

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Jason just wanted him to pose with his favorite card, thats all. No cards were awarded at that event. =)
djp952 said:
Check out the pic:


Somebody PLEASE tell me they didn't give him a common Heavy Storm as a prize card. Please.
LOL... That's a good one!! When I saw the article, it reminded me of the SJC Winner's pictures they take as well, but when I saw Heavy Storm, I was like, "Oh yeah, that's just his favorite card that he is going to talk about!!"

But isnt that like a young person to pick a card that really isnt that "ground breaking" for this day and age? I mean, it's an Old School Card.
Well, duh, djp. Common Heavy Storms are the #1 want these days, haven't you heard? Man, I stopped playing and even I know that. :D
chaos general said:
Well, duh, djp. Common Heavy Storms are the #1 want these days, haven't you heard? Man, I stopped playing and even I know that. :D
What!? I thought it was common White Hole.
Digital Jedi said:
What!? I thought it was common White Hole.

You're both wrong. Try again :D

The new common variant of Call of the Grave, DL82-EN006 is going for more than Des Volstgalph on a popular auction site, and the sudden resurgence of PGD's Hieroglyph Lithograph (1/e) has caused it's value to near GOOGLERUPLE on the open market.*

* Statistics gathered by the EGI number fabrication department. Your mileage may vary based on road conditions and the driving methods employed.

edit: And yeah, my first post was a joke. I forgot the smiley :D
good job the first prize wasn't heavy storm otherwise they would of had a moaning 11 year old on there hands
From what I heard, in the semi-finals match, Austin was at quite the disadvantage until he played Heavy Storm, took out 4 of his opponents cards along with chaining his Call of the Haunted for Sangan, got a reaper to join his other reaper on the field, and hit his opponent's last 2 cards in his hand.
After the match, he was signing people's Heavy Storm. Sounded like it was a good time.

*disclamier: my story could be way off and I was thinking about someone else; so anyone feel free to jump in and correct me...
Alas, at least it looks like he won't be flamed over here...

I hate all of the 'lucker' - talk going on in other message boards. It's the fault of most of the players, if everyone is playing with the same deck, only the luckiest duelist will be able to win. Not the most skilled...

I guess he was very happy after he had won the final, so he deserves the title. Great kid! ;)

soul :cool:
That kid pwned everybody!...lol. And yes, Somewan is pretty much dead on with why he's holding up the "Heavy Storm". He topped decked it for the win!
yeah, he's holding it because it was game breaking for him. craig (the photographer) likes to get poses like that.
Now I'll have to redouble my efforts to win a National Championship, just so I can hold up my game winning card...Peten the Dark Clown.
Maybe Nationals should be similar to the Shonen Jump Championships. Give the winner a card that hasn't been mass produced yet. I say this because I believe at Worlds in '04 or '05, they printed Victory Dragon as a prize to the winner. So, why not?
thats not a bad idea really it will probally get more people interesed in winning the tournement not just qulify!!!
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