wow, that's a lot. let's c. in my VS life, i've bought:
1. Spidey VS Doc Ock Starter
2. A MOR Booster
that's it. lol, the good thing is I pulled a savage beatdown in the booster (lucky eh?) and i auctioned and got a lot of cards that I needed for my SS deck, back then, now it's sub-par and since no one here plays, i'm pretty much stuck to playing online. which i haven't done in a while. lol. at lest i still read the articles and such and can come up with good decks. i just wish i could test them. That could all change, If i ever get around to filling out those forms for a job at McDonalds (only 16). Then, i think i'll start off by buying a tin or something, that way i have something cool to keep my cards in. that don't fit in my crappy binder, which i also plan on replacing. lol.