I passed my level 2 test

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Congratulations. Glad to hear you passed it. Was it your first try? My Yugioh L2 took me a couple tries.

EDITED because I unintentionally wrote as if I were a VS L2. I saw the thread checking on new posts and thought it was Yugioh.
roadhouse007 said:
Congratulations. Glad to hear you passed it. Was it your first try? The L2 took me a couple tries.

hehe... maybe you should update your sig to say you're a LVL2 VS Judge?

oh yeah, and congrats exiled! but get your butt back to YuGiOh!
A, I did change my sig, even before I posted this message
B, it was in fact my first try
C, I still judge YGO constantly and play in locals fridays nights every other week. I also play casually in between rounds during the tournaments I run locally saterday nights.
D, I just don't post as often as I used to cause I'm so busy
Actually, I didn't notice this was in the VS forum. I just saw the thread in the recent posts and thought it was Yugioh. Now I feel like a bigger idiot than I normally do!

And before anyone asks, no, I normally don't even look at sigs. Otherwise I would have known better. And this time I neglected to look at the bar on the which tells you which forum the thread is in. My bad.
hehe, exiled, I was saying roadhouse should update his sig since you had already but now I see why he didn't. Funny part is I too thought this was a YuGiOh judge test until I looked at your sig and saw LVL 3 Yugioh and realized it was a VS post. Then I read roadhouse's and decided to poke fun at him. No worries dude. Congrats!
It's been about a year since I passed L2 at Atlanta, and I know how much of an accomplishment it is. Congrats!
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