I Want to Be a Magician


New Member
[FONT=&quot]Hi all, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]I call myself a Pagan because I am a polytheist, and I work with the Greek Pantheon. I call myself a Ceremonial Magician because that is the style of Magic I practice. I do not use the word Wiccan, because I do not believe all the things a Wiccan believes. I say "magician" rather than "witch" because it best describes the style of Magic I do. What about you? How would you define these terms, which do you prefer, and why?[/FONT]
Any reason why you posted that in a random deck thread? I've moved this to general discussion under the presumption that you are not an automated posting bot that just saw the terms "magician" and "witch" in the thread and posted because you matched some terms.
i'm completely sure what your on about but i'd like to a warlock there cool.
maybe a black mage or even better a black dragon mage.