I was posed an interesting question today about the "Wicked" trinity.

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Before I begin, this isn't official. It's just what I suspect is true, based on my knowledge.

They're both continuous, so the newest effect overrides the older one. It's impossible to Summon them both at the same time.

If The Wicked Avatar is on the field, and The Wicked Dreadroot is Summoned, The Wicked Avatar will have 2050 ATK and DEF (half of 4000 + 100) - I think. (Avatar's effect is calculated first, and then Dreadroot halves it.)

If The Wicked Dreadroot is on the field, and The Wicked Avatar is Summoned, The Wicked Avatar will have 4100 ATK and DEF. (Dreadroot ends up having no effect on Avatar.)

Note that Dreadroot will still affect all other monsters on the field as normal. It's just that when you're considering which effect will be predominant on The Wicked Avatar, you check which is the newest effect to be applied to it.

- They have the same time-stamping idea as me, but it's not official.
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So it's a grandfather priority issue.

That's what I figured too but I wanted to see if there were any unpublished official rulings yet.
So it's a grandfather priority issue.

That's what I figured too but I wanted to see if there were any unpublished official rulings yet.
I've never heard it called that. It's time-stamping. The newest effect rules.

Also, the term "grandfather priority" implies the older effect rules, which is simply wrong.
Hehe, I was always told that "time-stamping" was not the proper term to use, something more along the lines of activation precedence, but it's the same thing 8^D
I never really understood where the word "time-stamping" came from, but it just became associated with this procedure. Like "Trample", I suppose (I know where that comes from, but it's that it's not a proper game term but is used anyway).
My own thought is that they let some geeks in on this since we like that term a lot and it instantly rung a bell with me.

As for trample, I think I've seen some cards refer to it as "piercing" damage now, yes?
My own thought is that they let some geeks in on this since we like that term a lot and it instantly rung a bell with me.

As for trample, I think I've seen some cards refer to it as "piercing" damage now, yes?
Yeah, but they're not consistent with it. The only cards I know of that have "This card inflicts Piercing Battle Damage" are ones from mini-sets, such as those Duelist Packs. It's not catching on. And I suppose they don't want to add new terminology to the game in case people don't know what they're on about (but that's sometimes the case anyway). Keep things simple and obvious for the kiddies, who of course are the only ones who play this children's card game.
Not an official one. Chaosruler had one posted here awhile back with an assortment of terms, but I don't think it was ever updated, except for that one time I added some stuff.
The Japanese ruling agrees with Maruno, since both are continuously re-applying themselves.

For example, if Dreadroot is on the field and you summon Gene-Warped Warwolf, its ATK becomes 1000. If you then equip it with Axe of Despair, its ATK becomes 1500.
The Japanese ruling agrees with Maruno, since both are continuously re-applying themselves.

For example, if Dreadroot is on the field and you summon Gene-Warped Warwolf, its ATK becomes 1000. If you then equip it with Axe of Despair, its ATK becomes 1500.

I'm now officially confuzzeled.
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