Ideas and volunteers wanted!

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He's right - 1300 ATK. Geez, how has this guy managed to avoid the banned/restricted for so long. Use 'em while you can guys; it won't be long now.
what about all of the D.D. Cards. Yo ucan prob stretch it to two weeks with all of the cards out.

D. D. Designator
D. D. Crazy Beast
D. D. Borderline
D. D. Scout Plane
D. D. Warrior Lady
D. D. Assailant
D. D. Dynamite
D. D. Trainer
D. D. Survivor

Return from the Different Dimension
Different Dimension Capsule
Different Dimension Gate
Different Dimension Dragon

That's 14 Right there. 7 Monster and 7 Spells/Traps. Two weeks of the Different Dimension fun? and of course you could do a preview of Cybernetics D. D. Master.
I'd be willing to squeeze out one a week like John if I may. Id like to do a series that focuses on cards the infinite variety of stall/burn. The combos are vast and infinite. Could be a good series.
I'd LOVE to be a COTD reviewer for this site. I love writing articles and all that.
im an article writer in ITTD.

How about a Anti Meta week? Cards that are anti meta like King Tiger Wanghu (Against TER and Tsuky).

Alright, John D., what cards do you suggest? There's loads of tech, and some of it is bound to have already been reviewed.

Just to make a semi-formal announcement, for most CotD issues here on this site, I'm leaving chaosruler in charge of the themes and the weekly postings for now. Thanks.
Alright, any one got an actual card line-up they can suggest? I like John Danker's idea of Nationals tech week. Let's go with that this week.

Looking at the deck lists for the top 8 here are the cards in their deck or side decks that differed from the standard fare...

Chain Disappearance
Gravekeeper's Spy
Gravekeeper's Guard
Morphing Jar
Enraged Battle Ox
Magic Cylinder
Curse Seal of the Forbidden Spell
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Wave Motion Cannon
Asura Priest
Cannon Soldier

While some of these may have already been reviewed it's probably okay to review them again in conjuction with HOW they're being used and WHY. Those are the big questions people not at Nats. want to know.
I think the Gravekeeper's cards put a big red stop sign up for a lot of their opponents beings as they are 2000 and 1900 def. and bought those players some drawing time. This is the point I was getting at about the WHYs of the tech cards being played. It's also why I'm working on an article about the best high def. monsters currently in the game and how and when to use them. I believe their an under-rated resource in today's meta.

Sunday: Ceasefire
Monday: Chain Disappearance
Tuesday: Asura Priest
Wednesday: Gravekeeper's Spy/Gravekeeper's Guard
Thursday: Enraged Battle Ox
Friday: Cannon Soldier
Saturday: Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
*-Week after that-*
Sunday: Mystic Swordsman LV2
Monday: Wave-Motion Cannon
Tuesday: Magic Cylinder
Wednesday: Morphing Jar
Thursday: King Tiger Wanghu
Friday: Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Saturday: D. D. Survivor

Those are a bunch of "tech" cards we could do in a week. I added the last three since John D.'s list ran out of cards. ;)
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