I'm back


New Member
Well, some of you might remember me, or you may not. I backed away from Yugi for a long time due issues at my local card shop, and then just lost interest in the game, and then got sucked in to WoW.

But anyway, decided to take a look at the new Yugi scene and see if it's worth drawing me back in.

BTW, very nice new look -- quite the nice change from what i remember it.
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Hey Atrus, long time no see. Glad you like the new site. Yugi has definitely been interesting lately. Lots of rules changes and freaky card effects.
It's not really considered thread-necroing since this was on page two, and making a new post seemed kinda silly. >.>;

Anyway, I had lost this website and thanks to the newsletter I got in my email I'm back! :D I'm looking for a new card game, so Ill be lurking around again. Anyone got some suggestions?
Well, there's always Huntik. :sick:

Welcome back. Yeah, I don't really think it counts as thread necroing when the threads around here never seem to die to begin with. But welcome back again. I knew those newsletters would be useful for something! (Now if only my window hadn't crashed before I got the other half out. [sigh])

As much as I hate it, I'll probably do a Construction Zone thing for Huntik. Chaotic didn't seem to take off here, but I'll keep it for now. And I'm just going to wait around until somebody buys VS off UDE or they realize they never should have dropped it begin with.