i'm Head judging for my first time and i could use a little help

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randompanzy said:
lets see you going to find this really silly and a bad call on my part but i announced before round 1 and after lunch to please pick up your trash if you throw stuff on the ground you will reseive a game loss for that round.

This isn't silly at all. Maybe you should start with Warnings first, but the problem is that almost no player cares about Warnings...

So if you really want to make it happen that everyone is avoiding throwing his trash around, you need to make a hard ruling.

It's a pity, but I can agree with that. Away from that, it sounds like it was a good tournament. Congratulations! :)

soul :cool
I remember at an SJC that I judged we gave out a warning then a game loss for those that didn't clear the aisles after their round or were crowding the top 8 tables during the match. It felt at times like I had to go get some riot shields or something to put the people back. But after one loss, it worked 8^D
Often times our judges use 1/3 of their time clearing isles, a shame really. Not only does it take time to clear them but with people standing in the isles it slows down response time to those that need their help.

I think I may have to do the same and give warnings...then a game loss on rare instance. It seems a little harsh, however, when you consider the interption it sometimes causes and that those people are keeping judges from doing their job it's justifiable.
So here's something I liked to ask my judges...what was the craziest play/situation you had to give a ruling on?
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