Important: Posting Stories

Digital Jedi

Staff member
For some reason the Announcment showing the Posting Guidlines is not visibe at the moment in any of the Writer's forums. So I'm creating this sticky to compensate for that.

When posting a story thread please be sure to include a content rating as your thread's icon.

= Rated E for Everyone
= Rated T for Teen
= Rated M for Mature

We're leaving this to your discretion, but please be advised that if you do not choose a ratings icon, then we will have to choose one for you, and you might not be happy with what we choose. Also, please do not try to "red-herring" a story by selecting an Mature rating when it isn't warrented just to get people to read or by posting a Everyone rating when the story features Mature themes. That's just not nice and could result in the thread being deleted. We're all mature individuals here. Let's be respectiful of each other's values.

Also, the Mature icon DOES NOT mean you can post pornagraphic or objectionable material.

Be sure to post your thread in the appropriate forum. If one doesn't exist, you can request an addition of one as we are always trying to expand into new areas.

We know you've worked hard on your stories and we are proud to host your works of fiction and poetry here. Keep the stories coming!forums
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In addition to the above, let me add that I'm creating threads here in the Writer's Cafè for the purpose of reviewing stories. I am ONLY doing this for stories that do not allow for comments within the threads themselves. If your posting multiple chapters of a story within different threads, then there should be plenty of room for review within each thread. This isn't a rule, per se. This is more of a guideline that I've set up for myself and that I'll be following.

If you wish to create your own thread for the purpose of review then that's perfectly acceptable, just stick to one thread per story or storline, please. There is no need for multiples. And make sure there isn't already an existing review thread before you start one.

Other then that, have fun. ;)
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