Injection Fairy Lily & Reflect Bounder


New Member
This must have been asked before...

This came up in last night's tourney:

Turn player (TP) attacks opponent's Reflect Bounder with Injection Fairy Lily (IFL). It was ruled that the TP would take 400 damage due to Reflect's effect. Then the opponent would receive 1700 damage and Reflect Bounder is destroyed. Is this correct?

My question is when does the controller of IFL announce that he is boosting IFL's attack? At the beginning of the damage step? At the beginning of damage calculation?

Careful. Reflect Bounder's effect is also applied in the damage step.

This is an extract from Kevin Tewart's Damage Step Chart:

[1] Enter the Damage Step
[2] Flip target card face-up if face down
>> "Reflect Bounder", if attacked while in Attack Position, inflicts
to the opponent now.
[3] Calculate and apply damage Part 1: "Calculate damage"
The following effects can be activated, form a chain, and
>> Monster effects that can be activated during the Damage
Step and that modify ATK or DEF, like "Injection Fairy Lily" and "Sanga
the Thunder".
[4] Calculate and apply damage Part 2: "Apply damage"
>> "Reflect Bounder", if attacked while in Attack Position, destroys
[5] Resolve effects
[6] Send to the Graveyard
Maester Bacman said:
Careful. Reflect Bounder's effect is also applied in the damage step.

This is what I thought. Reflect Bounder reads:

"When this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by a monster on your opponent's side of the field, before damage calculation is resolved in the Damage Step, this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the attacking monster. Then, after damage calculation is resolved, this card is destroyed."

The way one could interpret this is that the attack numbers are known for both monsters but before damage calculation resolves, resolve Reflect Bounder's effect. Or said another way:

1. Let's activate damage calculation, 400 attacking a 1700.
2. Before we resolve damage calculation the attacker takes 400.
3. Now resolve damage calculation, attacker takes 1300.

Just another way to look at this,