Yeah, I used to be as sure of that as you were until this post showed up. Notice the discussion Simon and I have.
This was spawned off of the references to Curtis' rulings about Sakuretsu Armor a few Month's back. stinking thing has me trying to wrap my heasd around the conflicting theories of how, for the puposes of resetting conditions it acts as a new Monster, but with targeting within a chain, it doesn't. My new theory is one of two things:
1. It is not a "new Monster", but conditions can reset.
2. If the flipping down/up happens within a chain, it is not considered so until the chain ends (sort of like in Football-American-the game doesn't stop until the play finishes and the ball stops), then it can be considered a new monster.
This second one does seem to make a little more sense to me, but the wording on the rulings, does say "condition(s) reset" rather than "no longer that monster". Remember the readjusted ruling for Levia-Dragon Daedalus? We used to all say that "when it gets flipped F/D it becomes "a card" no longer "this card." Well, unfortunately, this falls under both 1 & 2 above, because it is being flipped F/D in the middle of a chain, and/or it is not a "new Monster".
Okay, then my brilliant friends (this is what COG is all about)! Help me to find rulings to give us an inkling as to what is happening here. Can we find support the "new Monster" theory? Can we find suppport for the "wait for the chain to resolve" theory? Do we have other ideas? Somehow, the sommoning condition of the Mechs have to be included....I believe there is a legitimate reason/excuse besides BKSS.
**BTW, this is greatly related to this thread, but if I have overstepped my bounds and appear to be highjacking this thread, my sincerest appologies, and please fell free to move it to its own thread. Maybe something entitled "Making sense of flip/flop rulings" or something. 10-Q