Interdimensional Matter vs Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast


New Member
the ruling for ex force vs interdimensional matter says
If removed from play temporarily by the effect of "Dimensionhole" or "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", it will return with its original ATK/DEF, but its condition is not reset.

so whats whats gonna happen if i do the same on Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast

Card Text 
This card can be Normal Summoned or Set without Tribute. In that case, the original ATK/DEF of this card become halved. 

and 1 more :band:
if i summon Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast wheve halved atk
and my oppenent atk me wheve airknight and i book of moon mine Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast do i get2000 def?
If it is turned face-down by book of moon it will reset its effect, and would now have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up

If it was set face-down it will have halfed stats. and have 1400/1000 on being flipped face-up.

If it was set face-down (from the hand) and shuffled by the effect of Wandering Mummy its effect would have to reset and would have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up.

EDIT: fix DEF and added parenthesis part
And as Coin Drop pointed out elsewhere, if you equip "Megamorph" to a normal summoned, non-tributed "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast" (so that it's effect halved the ATK/DEF), Fusilier will become a 1400 ATK if your life points are higher than your opponent (aka no change) or a 5600 ATK if your life points are lower than your opponent.

Think about that.

2 Cards

No Tribute

Your monster is up to 5600 ATK.

And if "Megamorph" gets destroyed, Fusilier returns to a "mere" 2800 ATK.

And people considered this card not worth it in the advanced previews? Riiiiiiiggghhhttt......

- Andrew
so "interdimensional matter transport" will not reste conditions since it returns the monster face up

"book of the moon" causes a monster to "forget" its previous status once he goes to fae down position

may i ask if the monster set by the efct of "book of the moon" would not also forget that he was tributed sumon as well? if it also happens , fusile dragon would be halved status upon his new flip sumon too?

also, in regards of the case "interdimensional transport versus mirage knight" where mirage knight would have its status "cleared" and would not be RFGed by its own efct , whay the same wont occur with fusile dragon?

Actually noone answered whether or not "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" would reset the effect of "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast". In the original statement, all he was asking about was since it didn't reset the effect of (and I believe he meant) "Twin-Headed Behemoth" would it reset it for "Fusilier". The THB issue is different since it says the effect can only be used once in the whole duel. However it would reset the ATK/DEF back to the defaults.

Using that, "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" would reset "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast" to the default ATK/DEF that is printed on the card.

"Fusilier"'s effect only applies once. If it is normal summoned/set. "Book of Moon" is one of those cards that just resets the status/state on a card flipped down (except for "Change of Heart" and "Enemy Controller").

- Andrew
One thing that makes this card even better, I presume, is Skill Drain. Skill Drain makes a card forget its previous ATK modifications (such as Zombyra, when its ATK would be returned to 2100). So if Skill Drain is on the field when Fusilier Dragon is summoned without a tribute or is played after the summons, you have a 2800 ATK monster with no tributes. This is way better than Armor Exe used to be in a Skill Drain deck before the ruling that said Skill Drain does not negate maintenance costs, such as removing the spell counter from Armor Exe. Moreover, with MST restricted and Harpie's Feather Duster gone, Skill Drain stays around longer.
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
If it is turned face-down by book of moon it will reset its effect, and would now have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up

If it was set face-down it will have halfed stats. and have 1400/1000 on being flipped face-up.

If it was set face-down (from the hand) and shuffled by the effect of Wandering Mummy its effect would have to reset and would have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up.

EDIT: fix DEF and added parenthesis part
O.K. is this true of the effect with "Wandering Mummy" would it reset the effect ???? :? :?
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
If it was set face-down (from the hand) and shuffled by the effect of Wandering Mummy its effect would have to reset and would have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up.

This is most likely not correct. Even though Wandering Mummy moved it about, it did not leave the field and still has the same 'condition' on it as before. This is similar to Special Summoning a Mystical Elf face-down while having an already face-down Mystical Elf (that was Normal Set) and moving both about with Wandering Mummy. When Jowgen comes to the field and uses its cost-effect, the Special Summoned Mystical Elf will still be destroyed.
Dlanaan said:
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
If it was set face-down (from the hand) and shuffled by the effect of Wandering Mummy its effect would have to reset and would have 2800/2000 upon being flipped face-up.

This is most likely not correct. Even though Wandering Mummy moved it about, it did not leave the field and still has the same 'condition' on it as before. This is similar to Special Summoning a Mystical Elf face-down while having an already face-down Mystical Elf (that was Normal Set) and moving both about with Wandering Mummy. When Jowgen comes to the field and uses its cost-effect, the Special Summoned Mystical Elf will still be destroyed.

How do you know which Face-Down cards to destroy?

Looking to Fusilier:

Player A: Flip Summons Wandering Mummy (that was already face-down)
Player A: Play Monster Reborn Special Summons Fusiler from the Graveyard
Player A: Attacks Player B's "Tribe Infecting Virus" with Fusilier
Player B: Activates Book of Moon to prevent the attack (no response from either player)
Since Wandering mummy isn't strong enough to defeat TIV player A ends battle phase
Player A: Sets Fusilier from the hand
Player A: Flips Wandering Mummy face-down by its effect. And thus shuffles all face-down monsters on the field.

Now How do you tell which Fusilier has 2000 defense and which one has 1000 defense?
What you say may end up resulting in "Fusilier Dragon" becoming limited to 1 (not to mention also because of all the other combinations with him) since yes, you are correct. You can't tell which one was which unless you are very good at playing the "Shell Game".

- Andrew
Well, because of the condition, and what D said (which i agree with), currently, i would say that the controller of the Fusilier's would be able to decide. Obviously one would have to have 2000 and one 1000, but there really is no other way, unless you were to limit it to 1 as densetsu_x stated.

it doesn't seem as simple as a "shell" game, because in the end, only the controller really knows which one is which, and could easily just switch it up once one of them is attacked.

Its a good question for the board, but chances are, that no matter which one you attack it will end up being the 2000 DEF one.
if fusile dragon was tributed set,when he is flip sumoned he wouldnt also forget that he was tributed sumon?

if fusile dragon was tributed sumoned , them flip sumoned them set down once more by book of the moon, he would not forget that he was tributed sumon?

or tribute sumon always remain as a constant as long as the monster dont leave the field?

thanx for any imput

The game mechanic doesn't cause the monster to forget how he was summoned which is why if he's normal set and then flip summoned, the effect makes him a 1400.

Later though if he's flipped back face down by say "Book of Moon", that causes the effect that made him 1400 to be forgotten and he comes back with the ATK/DEF as printed on the card.

- A
As I said before Skill Drain! I presume if he is discarded to the graveyard by Painful, Raigeki Break or some such effect then Prematured or Called he would be 2800 also.