Is Lightning vortex a good card?

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i wouldn't use lighting vortex myself but then again, you choose what works better in your deck.
bigdevilyogi said:
in my experience it tends to be worse this ban list than last, we only have one Night Assailant and no Sinister Serpent. Losing resources is very bad in this format(well all formats really) and unless you are killing 3 monsters, two Smashing Grounds could have done the same thing.

wouldnt losing two Smashing Grounds equate to the same, also the discard might have purpose, like a airknight, or Jinzo to get back(often in my case, necroshade or bladedge, but yeah) i tend to like vortex for its discard, not dislike because of it. but it all runs down to personal preferance
1x Dark Hole and 3x Smashing Ground is good enough. Dark Hole does the job just fine and even better then Lightning Vortex, and after Sinister Serpent we don't have free discards so Vortex is really not worth it in today's gameplay.

I MIGHT OPT for Lightning Vortex IF Dark Hole gets banned in the april list. And when I say I might opt for Lightning Vortex, I'll also be throwing in like 2x Treeborn Frogs to make up for the discard cost. It'll take ALOT of space.... but who knows.

For now, dump Lightning Vortex. I seriously don't know why people run that card when we have Dark Hole.

I mean, the biggest prob of Lightning Vortex is that discard cost. It means with including Lightning Vortex, it's a 2 card cost. And that's alot in todays format where both Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity are banned. (Why ya think Deko and Merchant popped out from people's collections and into their decks. Along with Pot of Avarice.) Yeah, unless we can make up for the discard cost, any discards are bad in todays world where there's no Pot of Greed and no Sinister Serpent.
Vortex is overrated for 2 reasons, it was overhyped and it came out while goats was unrestricted and Dark Hole was. Only reason any kept it mained was for the goats rush and the occasional proper removal, it was too heavy on the hand even in pot/graceful days for it get off an even trade (2 for 2 that is). Sinister was the redeeming factor, but thats gone, maybe Frog will take its place, who knows. I would only run it against an aggro swarm and thats pretty much it, since control will have a response or strip your hand so low that you can't afford to play it effectively.
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