Is Magic Jammer Necessary?

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Hey Guys,

I was wondering- Is Magic Jammer necessary in a deck? I ran a DarkNecrofear/Cookie Cutter Deck by my friend once, and he kept on using Heavy Storm and SoRL (with Magician). So do you really need Magic Jammer in a deck?



"I have defied gods and demons."

"I am your shield; I am your sword."

"I know you; your past, your future"

"This is the way the world ends"
Magic Jammer isn't worth the discard. A better solution is Magic Drain. Their spell may still go through but they will have to discard one.
blade146 said:
Magic Jammer isn't worth the discard. A better solution is Magic Drain. Their spell may still go through but they will have to discard one.
That all depends. In my old Jank build, I could not afford any Spell to go through. Making them discard would still get me killed if their Heavy Storm, Giant Trunade wiped out my defences. Magic Drain and Magic Jammer are two entirely different strategies. One is only better then other depending on what it is your trying to do.
Walk the line! Go with Spell-Shield Type-8. Seriously, as DJ says, it is dependent upon the deck and personal playing style. Magic Jammer will stop them all, as long as you have the discard. Magic Drain is better if you are also attacking their resources or milling their deck. I tend to go with SST8 as it stops targeting spells w/out discard and you can decide if you want to use it and discard to stop the others.
No Card is absolutely Necessary. Magic Jammer used to be for a time, then came Magic Drain, then cam Imperial Order, then came Spell Shield Type 8, Now a days I rarely see Spell Negating cards in a deck. Dust Tornados and Mystical Space Typhoon are the big ones because of Royal Decree, but spell negation is not absolutely necessary. It is one of those, run it if you feel the need for it.
BlackLusterD said:
..... Now a days I rarely see Spell Negating cards in a deck. .... but spell negation is not absolutely necessary. It is one of those, run it if you feel the need for it.

I tends to surprise the opponent if you do! For an interesting tactic, run multiple spell negation, along with multiple summon stoppers, for a sort of 'I wont let you do that" deck.
If you're worried about "Heavy Storm" or "Mystical Space Typhoon", then use "Judgment of Anubis". Spell negation AND destroying a monster AND doing effect damage to the opponent! All for just 2 cards.
I ran Judgment of Anubis and won one good match off of it. I ended up going back to Magic Jammer because there were other Spell Cards that I needed to stop besides one's that destroy. Giant Trunade, The Warrior returning Alive (getting a weaselly little warrior that could attack under my defences), Reinforcement of the Army (same reason), Wave-Motion Cannon and the occasional MST (usually saved for the last minute when I have nothing left but a Gravity Bind). I needed reliablity. Say what you want about Magic Jammer, but I've found it to be the most versatile of the three.
Last format I really prefered SST8 as Spells were used more. This format, the Spell count seems to be down 2-4 cards depending upon the deck. Kind of kicks my SST8 to the curb considering Spells are scarcer now.
I was asking myself the same question 2 days ago, when I pulled an Ultra Magic Jammer. lol
I love to "bling" my deck & tried every which way to include it, but alas, there was no room among my staple trap cards for it I could remove nothing. (most of my traps are commons btw)

It all depends on the theme of your Fiends (yes, Fiends have many themes) It is NOT a Fiend Staple Card (ie necessary)
If your deck relies on discarding for Dark Necrofear & has Night Assailant, Slate Warriors etc, it could come in handy.
It also works very well to get Helpoemer in the Graveyard, not to mention Treeborn Frog & monsters for Mudora, Shadow Ghoul etc..
Although really, it's best not to have any Magic Negation at all, as it usually leaves you at a disadvantage, which ever way you go.

I personally prefer Magic Jammer to Magic Drain, for the simple reason of "the certainty factor"
I prefer Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell to both of these.
I am also one of these poor peeps who must look at the whole deck to be able to tell if a card is suitable in it or not.

I also run Wabokus, so I can Chain them to Heavy Storm & MST.
If they use SORL, who cares, you just set

At the moment, my Ultra Magic Jammer is sitting in my side-deck, I'm just trialing it in there.
But if all else fails, there's always Solemn Judgement, which is the best of all. =)
Necromancer said:
It also works very well to get Helpoemer in the Graveyard...
Helpoemer must be destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. No discards, please.
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