It Has Been Reborn, The Cyber Jar Otk!!!!


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06

1|Mrl|Cyber Jar
1|Tp4|Morphing Jar
1|Db1|Makyura the Destructor
1|Ast|Night Assailant
3|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Mrd|Witch of the Black Forest
3|Mrd|Cannon Soldier

1|Lob|Pot of Greed
2|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Sdy|Card Destruction
1|Pgd|Book of Taiyou
3|Psv|The Shallow Grave
2|Mrl|Upstart Goblin
3|Fet|A Feather of the Phoenix

3|Ast|Desert Sunlight
3|Mfc|Secret Barrel
3|Psv|Dust Tornado
1|Dds|Acid Trap Hole

It always wins first or second turn. That includes my opponent never having a turn.

It's purpose is to make the tournament organizers and participants at my local tournaments hate traditional format so that they will finally change the tournaments to advanced. I expect it to work within 2 weeks.
As have being trounced by this deck from its old school formatt, it almost makes me cring to see that you can still make this thing work in any format. Hard to win a duel before you can even play a card. But nice work there man, hope it serves the purpose that you built it for.
I also have been a victim of this deck and I have beaten it before. It seems like a solid deck but if I had to make any suggestions I would maybe consider Spell Reproduction but thats about it. other than that I have nothing else to say. and I think you should copyright the Cyber Jar OTK deck:king:
granted thats an awesome deck(i've exprimented with the idea before and might patch it in with my current deck as exploiorty idea, not with anywhere the success this beast probably has.) althought i dont understand(well i do to win.) but personally i dont get the point of playing the game if you know your going to win unless something pretty rare happens,

but personal views aside much decentness for the deck.
I have no idea what some of those cards are doing in there (Cannon Soldier? ROTA? Secret Barrell? Magician of Faith?) Try it like this instead:

Monsters - 5
1x Cyber Jar
1x Morphing Jar
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Makyura the Destructor

Traps - 4
2x Rock Bombardment
2x Desert Sunlight

Spells - 31
3x Magical Mallet
1x Card Destruction
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Painful Choice
2x Upstart Goblin
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
3x Spell Reproduction
2x A Feather of the Phoenix
3x The Shallow Grave
3x Book of Taiyou
1x Book of Moon
3x Giant Trunade
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Messenger of Peace
1x Serial Spell
2x Monster Reincarnation

The two biggest obstacles to winning with this deck are Imperial Order and Spell Canceller, if they side that in. I guess you can put in cards to deal with them (like Dust Tornado) if you want, but when I play OTKs, I always take the position that if you can draw the 1-2 cards in your deck that stop me, good for you; I'm building my deck to try to beat you before you have a chance to draw them. Otherwise, you start adding a bunch of cards into your deck to counter their counters, and they end up preventing you from getting your combo in the first place more often than they save you from your opponent.
I have no clue how Cyber jar OTK deck functions to be honest. And I also don't get those DMoC OTK decks either. (With 3x, I get it, but now with 1x, I don't see the point with just 1 DMoC monster and like 39 s/t with 3x Reasoning....)
Actually, it looks like the secret barrels are needed for this deck. If the deck gets a good draw, it seems to be pretty evil.

Since he hasn't explained, I don't think, this is how it works I think:

Get out cyber jar, flip it. Get it out on the feild again and flip it. (trap cards, played from your hand)

Then, when the opponent has x cards in their hand and on the feild, secret barrel them in the face.
Machine OTK Deck

I dont get it, how do you use the otk in two turns. What if you don't get the cards you need? which ones do you need?
What you need the most in your first hand is a cyber jar and a book of taiyou. With those you can get 5 more cards in your hand right away, and have a good chance to get whatever else you need, or some draw cards.

Wow this board goes slow, doesn't it? I wish more people came here/ these forums in general.