It's another Chaos deck


New Member
Well, zombies got old and I scrapped that hand/graveyard control idea that I had for a chaos build.

Mobius the Frost Monarch
Chaos Sorcerer x2

Blade Knight x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Survivor
D.D. Warrior Lady
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive x2
Exiled Force
Magical Merchant
Magician of Faith
Mataza the Zapper
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Spirit Reaper x2

Bait Doll
Dark Hole
Fissure x2
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Reinforcements of the Army
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light

Call of the Haunted
Dust Tornado x2
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Torrential Tribute
Trap Hole

Side Deck:
Bottomless Trap Hole
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
Injection Fairy Lily
Kinetic Soldier x2
Nobleman of Extermination
Sakuretsu Armor
Solemn Judgment
The End of Anubis
Wave-Motion Cannon
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

I have already decided that the next Blade Knight that I can get my hands on is going to replace the Asura Priest and the Mystic Tomato will probably come out for probably a Don Zaloog, but I'm not sure yet. Give me some suggestions please.

So far, I have switched the Tsukuyomi and the Mystic Tomato from the decks original build. I finally got that Blade Knight, and then switched out the Jinzo for another Chaos Sorcerer, the Injection Fairy Lily for another Dekoichi, Mirage Dragon for Mataza the Zapper, and Nobleman of Extermination for Bait Doll.
RPGKid said:
^Edits Shown Above^

I don't like Jinzo, Mobius is more attractive (imo). I did the edit with Asura that you already did or will. ;)

Exiled Force is not light nor dark, but Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive is. Neither is Injection Fairy Lily, but Magical Merchant is. Off the D.D. Survivor for a Newdoria blah blah no explanation. Nobleman of Extermination hasn't been my favorite, but a deck with two Merchants always looks good (and works well) with a Pot of Avarice. And you may hit a Sakuretsu Armor (a VERY COMMONLY USED TRAP NOWADAYS) with your NoE. Switch the Trap Hole with the Bottomless Trap Hole in your side-deck. It's just easier that way, especially with Chaos, you don't want no chaos sorceror coming back from the grave against you. Blah blah blah. Good luck. Looks good. I don't know why but I'm lazy today. Don't know why I'm messing with decks. And OOOH off the mobius I edited in for another Chaos Sorceror. Hope I helped.
I've been thinking of throwing in another Sorcerer, so I may do that, but I'll have to think about it. I like the Mobius/Jinzo combo. Sac something for Mobius and destroy the opp. backfield, then they get cocky and play 1 or 2 more traps. You just happen to have Jinzo in your hand and they can't get rid of Mobius. Sac Mobius for Jinzo, screw them again. I have pulled that off many times since I have had this deck, which has been for 2 days. Pot of Avarice hates me! I have tried to run that card before and it just said no way. I could never get enough monsters in the grave for it to work. I'm the man when it comes to Injection. I can get at least 2 direct hits off of that card a game, and that is just average. With the Tsukuyomi that I added, I may add another Merchant and Dekoichi, but I'm not sure. I may throw a meta in the deck, though. Get either Thousand Eyes or some 6 star from my tribs. Mess someone up. In my area, Bottomless doesn't work as well as Trap Hole because a lot of people run Dons, Tomatoes, Rats, etc. You catch 'em off guard with the Trap Hole. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.
I've changed alot of the things in my deck. The final edited deck list is up at the top of the page. Give me some of your suggestions.