Just a Few Questions


New Member
  1. I have two monsters on the field with Call of the Haunted and Premature Burial. Then I flip them face down with card effects. Would the spell and trap card still be on the field?
  2. Would my opponent's monster attack still destroy my monster after I used Sakuretsu Armor?
  3. Let's say I used Card Destruction and my opponent used Dust Tornado, Would the effect of Card Destruction still work? Is Dust Tornado a bit slow in regards to Spell speed?
Off-Topic Question
Why is it that when I'm done with sentences and I then add some words into the sentences, the other words before the word get deleted? Example: I want to add this word but this gets erased/deleted.(blue: added word, dark red: deleted/erased words)
roadhouse007 said:
Was going to put that the first time, then I realized I didn't remember what it was. I haven't messed with C++ in over a year and I am getting rusty. All I remember and I might have it backwards is cin >> and cout <<. Right? Or reversed? I am taking a refresher very soon here. But if you know slither, and would like to help me....

cin >>

cout <<

but that is C syntax, C++ is Object Oriented, so it doesn't use either the cin or cout commands.
Ares22 said:
Thanks. Here's a few more. Let's say I have Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 in the Graveyard. I activate Premature Burial. Would Premature Burial be still equipped to Horus and would it be destoyed by the effect if the card was destroyed? Also, is Horus Lv6 destroyed by Dark Hole?

Thanks in advanced.
Yes, "Premature Burial" will still equip to "Horus LV6". No "Horus LV6" will not be destroyed if "Premature Burial" is destroyed.

No, "Horus LV6" is not destroyed by "Dark Hole".
Here are some more.

Let's say I have Spell Absorption activated and later on my opponent activates, for example Swords of Revealing Light. Would I get the life point increase or will he/she will?

I was wondering if there is suppose to be battle damage calculation in order to use D.D. Warrior Lady's effect? If so, would damage from attacking a high defense monster count?

Spirit Reaper is face-up on the field. Opp. uses Book of Moon. Would it be destroyed? Same goes with Tsukuyomi.

Ares22 said:
Is it me or the opponent? Sorry. It's just that I'm still confuse with the words "this card's."
"This card" is the the card refering to itself in the third person. Like that guy on Becker who always said "Bob" instead of just saying "I" or "me". When he would talk about his own wife, he would say "Bob's wife". When he talked about the accident he'd just gotten into he would say "Bob was just in a car wreck".

Anytime a card says "this card" it's refering to itself. If it were refering to another card it would use the phrase "that card". So it's the controller of Spell Absorption that gains the 500 point increase each time a Spell Card is activated. Regardless of who activates a Spell Card.

Hope that helps.
Yes, tokens are considered Normal Monster Cards for as long as they are on the field. Their only oddities that make them different from how other monster cards funstion is that they cease to exist when they leave the field and that they cannot be turned face-down. Otherwise you can do anything else you could ordinarily do with a Monster Card that is face-up on the field.

Back then!? I just aged thrity years. <Goes to get walker> :nerd_jedi: