Just Wondering...


New Member
So, I notice there are heaps of new games on here...

I am (was) a fan of those old retro Arcade classics. I think I would be about the only one on here who can actually remember playing "Pong" (although, I could be wrong about that).

Anyhows..aahh..the memories of a "misspent youth" playing such games as:
Space Invaders (does this forum have it?), Galaga, Galaxian, Moon Cresta, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Q-Bert (yet another one I didn't notice), Breakout, Puzzle Bobble etc etc (all those games from 1979-1982).

My question is, can these games be played using a "Joystick" or some sort of PC "Controller Device"?
I would play more PC Games, but I'm not that co-ordinated to use different Keyboard buttons consecutively.
*hence my typing is done using 2 fingers & really sucks*

I just wanted to know this, before I go ahead & plug these devices in, only to find one cannot use them. Thanks for replies here.
I can't say with absolute certainty. I've always assumed they would, but haven't had a chance to test it out. The next time I see a cheap PC controller I'll see if I can get it to work.

For the life of me, I though I had added Qbert. I'll look for him the next cycle. But yes, Space Invaders is on page 2 of the Classic/Retro category.
Thank you, Digital Jedi. Yes, I must have missed Space Invaders. I can also see you added "Snake" (Centipede) :D
I look forward to finding out this information, although I may actually try it out in the interim, but I am not very good with hardware stuff & wanted to see if anybody has managed this successfully yet.

Happy gaming guyz.
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Well, unfortunately gamepads and/or other devices won't work with the Arcade games, not because they can't be played with them (emulators allow it), but because the games themselves don't have a compability recognition feature. I've already tried that ;P