kinetic Soldier


Let's say Kinetic Soldier is face down and D.D. warrior lady attacks it. Does Kinetic Soldier get the 2000 boost for that battle? The reason I ask is because effects are determined after the damage calculation.
actually, the card says DURING damage calculations so yes, it would get that 2000 boost because as we all know, monsters that are facedown get flipped up for teh damage step. =)
It is true that it says the "damage step" but effects of cards that are face down are to be applied after the damage step at least according to the order of the battle phase. For instance slate warrior doesn't get his boost if attacked if he was face down. I'm still not sure that Kinetic soldier should get his.
Kinetic Soldier's effect is applied during the damage calculation. Since he is turned face up at the start of the damage step and before the damage calculation, his effect will indeed activate if he is attacked by any warrior-type monster.

- Andrew