Konami judge test?

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So ... any word on the judge tests yet? or anything else? We were just beginning the process of trying to start an official league of some kind when the whole thing blew up last fall. We so far are running unofficial play at the public library, and have been meeting since last November or so, but the only official play in our state was on the other end, about 380 miles away, and it's closed down. There are currently no tournaments instate, you have to go out of state for official play. We'd like to get something organized here....
Oh, wonderful (not)...

Which are, like, over 350 miles away from us.... Or farther. On our budgets? Not happening....

Like I said, there are NO tournaments in SD, none in Wyo., I think the closest is in Bismarck, ND, about 350 miles away, and Denver, Colo. (just over 400). Over five hours driving time, one way, for the close one, which means probably getting a motel for at least one night, if not two.... And we might bomb the test, and have to do it again.

Grrrrrr.... We've been trying to get this going since last November.... We have a group that has been consistently meeting since then, first in the upstairs room at a local hobby shop, since then at the public library. The public library actually has a far better meeting room than any of the hobby shops in town -- more space, better, more solid chairs (they don't tip or collapse) and consistent hours -- one hobby shop has just dumped all its Yugioh and most of its Pokemon in favor of Magic and has no gaming space at all; and the newest one has no separate gaming space, just shoves things around and sets up tables back in their HO train section, and has no Yugioh cards or supplies (but might be willing to get stuff in, they've been very cooperative with the local Pokemon league); the shop that is the most supportive has a very small room upstairs, with said collapsing chairs, and we were meeting there until he changed his hours and started closing when we were meeting which chased us downtown to the public library (which has been most cooperative, by the way), this last however has been the most supportive of any store in town even though he is primarily a sports card store.

The local anime con wants us to run a tournament (or at least something) in conjunction with them -- and we'd be happy to do something. But without someone taking the judge test we're sort of stuck -- so we can't have a tournament without a judge and we can't take the judge test unless we have a tournament since that's the only place to take it -- which came first, the tournament or the test?

Seriously, I know I'm venting here, but we had at least two, maybe three, people getting ready to take the test with UDE when the whole lawsuit thing came down and we've been on hold for over half a year now. And running anything through a store is going to be difficult because the local hobby stores either don't have the space or aren't supporting the game or both. Pokemon Organized Play sanctions play and tournaments through league leaders, not through shops; Upper Deck and now Konami seems to want to organize through stores only. We have been trying to organize a local league and some kind of organized play for Yugioh because we were tried of playing each other around the kitchen table. And we have a growing group.... We just can't get any kind of official sanction.

Grrrrrrr, again.

Sorry for the rant. You guys don't deserve it. You are the greatest! Thanks for putting up with me.....
I flew to Cali to work a Shonen, Drove (in shifts) 20+ hours to work a Nats, and just got back from a 14 hour Drive to GenCon Indy. The tests are not quite ready for online, yet. It makes sense, though, that they would make them available to those who sacrifice so much to get there to help out at these events. We had guys fly in from Florida, BUS in from Portland, OR (shout out!!) and drive in from Texas!

Please, be patient. The Konami staff have been working at break-neck speed trying to get to Nats, then Worlds, then GenCon.....back-to-back mind you! Now that the heavy load is off, and hopefully after they pause to regain their sanity, they can settle down into a pace that will allow them more time to invest in the online test. Frankly, they are having to rebuild the OP and judge staff from scratch, since (they who shall not be named) still maintained all authority over the judge lists, because, well, we were all their judges.

I applaud all that Julia, Dan, Frank and all the Konami staff are doing. And I've been able to see some of it and the toll it has taken on them. This was a TOUGH year. But they are working hard for all of us. And, soon, we will be able to see the fruits of their labor. Please don't receive this as a rebuke, I feel your frustration and share in your desire for the game's proliferation. Let this serve as an encouragement and source of hope, that good things are coming around the bend. Also, remember that nothing is for free. Those who show comitment, dedication, and a willingness to go the distance, will see the fruit of their labors sooner and with more satisfaction.
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No offense taken... Like I said, I was venting. Our problem is that we have two women who are both on food stamps, one on disability and one applying, who are trying to organize it here -- when it comes down to food, cards or travel, food comes first, cards, (a sometimes distant) second, and travel is iffy because some days we sweat the gas to get around in town, much less out of it.

Our problem, not yours.... Thank god someone still is getting out there and organizing tournaments and getting the stamp of officialdom upon them -- eventually it will trickle down.... But this is the first we've even heard the test was being given out at all.

Part of our problem is the closest official league is also out of state, in Bismarck, 350 miles away. We've written twice to Konami with no answer yet about how to start something here -- we understand they are scrambling to get things together and I've been fairly amazed how fast they've gotten their feet under them. But here we sit in limbo with no idea how to even begin. And in the meantime we have an anime convention coming up in January that wants us to run something in their gaming room side by side with the Pokemon tournament that is likely to be handing out prizes.

And we are watching the local card supplies dry up. Walmart has dropped their card section by 75% (yes, Walmart was one of our better local sources until this last spring) and the established local hobby shop just dumped all their Yugioh and 2/3rds of their Pokemon to make more room for MTG (don't get me started on another rant...), the new hobby store has limited Pokemon and no Yugioh, but might work with us, and the best supply of cards is at either Target or at the local hole-in-the-wall sports card shop whose owner is at least very willing to support us.

So I'm feeling frustrated -- frustrated with Konami, frustrated with most of the local shops, frustrated with life in general. At the same time I'm actually glad Konami has take the game over; I think it will eventually bring some consistency to the OCG/TCG split and having looked through the online court document that Konami won its court ruling on, I don't blame them a bit for pulling the carpet out from under Upper Deck.

So anyway, I vented.

I'm just having one of those days...

I think I'm mostly mad at the local shop that thinks MTG is the only game worth playing and everything else is total garbage and useless..... They packaged their remaining Yugioh sized card sleeves with Pokemon booster packs and their Pokemon sleeves with Yugioh boosters... Uh, what is wrong with that picture? :good:

Well, and at Walmart who is replacing their card aisle with fridge magnets and tourist trinkets.
Mercy!! Okay, well.....Konami is very much into doing things on a local level with stores, provided they are willing to play by the rules. In Japan, the Sneak Previews were not done as ours were with a Premiere Tounament Organizer throwing a big event for everyone who could come. They held them in local shops. The problem is, the product base was (and still is) too small. There are only so many "kits" you can order for your sneak preview. So, supporting local shops--good, less product--bad.

The thing is, the local store must go to Konami to sign up (they shouldn't have too much trouble with that, as some other games do that). If they would like to become an official tounament store and run the sneaks and Hobbies, etc., just have them e-mail Konami at us-cardsupport@konami.com
And wonder of wonders, email #3 has done the trick -- I actually got a response from Konami! It didn't tell me a whole lot, but at least I had communication!


(See, I really am easy to make happy...)

The down side of things is the sports card shop owner, who is the most supportive, has a store more or less the size of a garage with an upstairs gaming room only slightly larger, with said collapsing chairs. (I'm not kidding -- they really do. He has a few folding chairs but mostly they are the plastic lawn chairs that sell for around $6 in Walmart and if you try to push away from the tables, instead of sliding back, the legs just sort of fold and tip backwards dumping people.) Plus we are meeting on Sundays because that is what worked the best for everyone so far involved, and he goes back and forth with being open on Sundays. We originally started in this store with UDE numbers, then Konami and UDE started suing each other and he started closing Sundays, all about a month and a half after we started -- we'd just barely gotten off the ground.

On the other hand he supports the game by bringing in the new releases of cards, buying and selling individual cards, and etc. When the last source of Yugioh sized card sleeves in town decided to dump out of the game, at our request he specially ordered sleeves in to fit. We probably can work with him to do something.

The new hobby store in town, open for perhaps less than a year, has next to nothing for all card games, but has been incredibly cooperative with the local Pokemon league, and let them host city championships there. They have no separate space, just shoved some tables and chairs into the middle of their sales floor, let players stash their backpacks down their back hallway, and made do. A morning Pokemon league meets there for two hours every Saturday -- based on what I hear from the Pokemon league leaders, I think they'd work with us also.

The comic shop is a total unknown. He has a room for D&D -- I don't know if he'd be willing to let anyone else use it, and it's one large square table -- I don't know how conducive it'd be for cards...

Like I said, the older hobby shop is just dead in the water. They have a new employee who dumped pretty much everything to make space for more MTG. They've lost a lot of business -- no one is happy with them except the MTG players. It's too bad because rumor is they are fixing up another building to be a large gaming room. We haven't a clue what they are going to run in it -- but based on conversations, I doubt we could get product support through them. They are just not interested. (And we're rather put out with them at the moment, being that they'd just discontinued our favorite cards....)

But the up side of things is at least Konami has its feet under itself enough to be answering its web based inquiries promptly! This is a good sign! And we have people who should be willing to work with us -- we just may have to scramble around a little ourselves to get everything in place!
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