Last minute advice

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R. I. P. Chris Benoit
Ok fellas, here's the deal. I'm gonna be playing in the SJC in Durham Saturday and I'd love some quick advice on something. First though, I have a few predictions:

1. Zombie and Perfect Circle will consistently be the decks to beat.

2. Burn will be far too teched against to be as effective as as it's been.

3. There will be several rogue decks that, despite being inconsistent, will be tricky and hard to deal with.

Now, with this atmosphere in mind, what core strategy would be the most successful all around?
-Perfect Circle
-Warrior Toolbox
-"Free style"

I'm a notoriously good mirror match player and can run well with both Zombie and Perfect Circle. Gadgets will more than likely fly under the radar, but I always get really bored with Gadgets, so... Toolbox and Recruiter haven't been seen a whole lot this format from what I've seen, but they both seem like good choices strategically. And by "free style" I mean something totally teched out against the metagame as we know it.

Personally, I believe Zombies, Perfect Circle, and Toolbox/Recruiter to be the most stable choices. I guess I'm looking for some real validation on my thoughts here. What do you guys think?
I personally want to see Crystal Beasts do well... and with Mad Reloader being released, it's quite possible now for them to shine (pun intended)... personally, when I get 3, I'm replacing my 2 Crystal Seers with 3 Mad Reloaders...
Because of the prevalence of Zombie and Perfect Circle decks being seen at most tournaments, players are now teching against those decks, much like they were with Pulling the Rug for Monarch decks. Cards like Transmigratory and Phoenix Wind Blast are finding their way into Main and Side decks of players that go against these kinds of decks. Monarchs are still prominent, especially with Seer/Magician decks. Look at decks that offer the most of what you are comfortable with. It's not always about the cards but the player controlling them that makes the difference.
Well said horusmaster, I agree heartily. You know what is going to be there, so make a great side deck for that.

I think I saw a quote over in Realms that said. "Don't build a deck that beats the top player's deck, build a deck that the top player's have to beat." I try to use that philosophy all the time in my decks.
"Don't build a deck that beats the top player's deck, build a deck that the top player's have to beat."

I really like that; so much truth there. :cool:

I've figured out the best approach I should take in Durham. I just hope I can get a few "choice" cards in time.

Thanks guys!
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