Latest Burn Deck


lol great deck, I LOVE BURN, IT IS MY ALL TIME FAV DECK, but i dont think sak armors shoulb be in ther , or Magic Reflectors, or that steel cage thing. those should be replace by some Tremendous Fires, Poison of the Old Mans, or some more attack stopping stuff like Waboku or thretaning roars. i no it might change ur deck around alot, but stalling is the 2nd main part of most "good" burn decks. 1st being the actual "burning" part.

and i love that u r putting draw power into the deck. i've always ended up top decking wen playing my burn.but there is a reason. if u just keep stalling and burnin at the same time ur opponent will be so confused and dumbfounded that he/she might scoop( unless u r playing Dale Bellido or somethin). but ur dekoichis look like u run them the perfect way they should so if my suggestions dont help, then maybe im just some stupid guy who makes stupid decks that win alot

the bug man
I have a burn/hand destruction deck in the Traditional Deck Format list. Maybe mine will give you some ideas. I have one quarrel, and that's with Lava Golem. How are you gonna stop it from crushing you with its 3,000 point attack? I heard an idea of Messenger of Peace... maybe one Gravity Bind. I'm not too keen on the Advanced Rulings, but if you can, stick Ring of Destruction in, to destroy it or even Brain Control to take it for one turn and destroy some of those Ojama Tokens you've put on their side. Chain Energy, Toll, Skull Invitation, Mecha-Dog Marron, Chthonian Soldier... I recommend all of these; their functionality is left up to you.
Hmmm... let me sort through these suggestions:

Chain Energy--No, no, no, this deck slows the game down. Chain Energy encourages your opponent to either become more conservative or speed it up. I don't want to give my opponent that option.

Messenger/Bind--I can't quite figure out how much stall I need. What I had before was too much and sometimes this is enough, but sometimes it isn't. I do need a little more...

Morphing Jar--It gives me speed, but it gives my opponent speed, too. BAD idea. (At least with Cyber Jar I see what my opponent gets.)

more sided Des Wombat--I HAVE been seeing more Waves used on me, as of late.

Mask of Darkness--I could throw that around and see what happens. (sigh) I can't playtest, enough...

Solar Flare Dragon--Oh goodness, I shouldn't have to keep hearing this card suggested for Burn decks. Okay, look:

Solar Flare Dragon IS NOT GOOD FOR BURN DECKS!!!!!

Just look at the two Burns that popped up in the T8 of the last two SJCs. No Solar Flare to speak of. Look, you need two of them to stall and even that isn't foolproof. One, two turns and they usually get Smashed. I don't think so.

Well, it looks like I found myself sacrificing stall for monster removal--not the best idea in the world. Let's try this, again...

Well, if you find yourself "sacrificing stall for monster removal," then what is the problem with using Chain Energy? If you destroy their monsters, it'll force them to protect themselves, wasting 500 points on a monster that you may be able to destroy. Same thing goes for using Spells and setting Traps. It is quite good in knocking points off, but it's your brainchild.
Chain Energy is bad idea in this kind of burn. Jar is fine, as long as it shows up after he played his heavy and you side it out for games 2 and 3. Flare can work if you have nothing better, don't talk about SJC decks like they are the standard, I still make fun some of the old SJC decks, play with what you are comfortable with.