Lava Golem & Scapegoat


The Syndicate...
Heres the Situation.

Player B is the turn player. Player B draws, and then Player A activates Scapegoat. Player A then summons Lava Golem by tributiing 2 of Player A's sheep tokens.

Is this a legal move; as what is being debated is, Scapegoats effect of "cannot summon (including flip summon and tribtue summon) this turn". Does this only relate to the controller of the activated the card? Or does that effect roll over to the player that wanted to summon Lava Golem.


Netrepâ„¢ Card Database said:
[Re: Ojama Trio] You cannot activate "Ojama Trio" if "Scapegoat" or "The Last Warrior from Another Planet" is preventing you from Summoning.
From that, it gave me the idea that it is not possible.

Just needed clarification as players at a tourney were debating on this, and nothing relevant to the matter was found online.

DarkPaladin2k1 said:
That's quite odd, I'll have to give the "good news" to my brother about using the opponent's Scapegoats for the golem. Thanks for the tip and the correction Big OldPrankster
The trick is that Lava Golem is not a Tribute Summon. One of your posts suggested that the targets for the Lava Golem's tributing effect made them tributes for a Tribute SUmmon. But this is not the case. Lava Golem's Special Summoning ability is by use of his effect. Nothing on Scapegoat prevents the tokens from being offered for Tribute Effects.