level 5> toons any to avoid tribs?


Level 5 and greater toons, is there any way to avoid tributes when special summoning?

"...You can Special Summon this monster from your hand, but Tributes are required for monsters Level 5 or more."
Well, we finally have an answer to the age-old "can we special Summon a TOON from the Graveyard sans Toon World provided it was Special Summoned correctly the first time?" question. The answer is a heartfelt NO. Maruno takes the day here. For reference, please see the ruling below, hot off the UD Offical Rulings (soon to be auto-botted) for "Time Machine", stating:

If a Toon Monster like "Toon Mermaid", "Toon Summoned Skull", "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon", or "Manga Ryu-Ran" is destroyed by battle and set to the Graveyard while "Toon World" is not face-up on the field, "Time Machine" cannot be activated.

Kudos Maruno. Long time coming with that official answer, no?
Actually, having read through this thread again I've decided I should change my opinion about this. The card working on the old Toons could be interpreted to say that the initial Special Summon must be done with "Toon World" present - the only difference is that the old Toons don't give a specific method for the initial Special Summon.

But then your new ruling suggests this isn't the case, because the Toons were properly Special Summoned the first time, yet cannot be re-Summoned by "Time Machine". So it's not a case of "only the initial Special Summon must be done while "Toon World" is around".

So then I'm back to my initial stance. Any kind of Special Summon is allowed, as long as "Toon World" is there. And that's what your new ruling suggests.

But then the ruling for "Archfiend's Roar" is still wrong. I think I'll write in about it.