Majestic Mech - Ohka - A new tech?

Card # EOJ-EN015
Card Name: Majestic Mech - Ohka
Card Type: Monster
Monster Type: Fairy
Attribute: LIGHT
Level 6
Attack: 2400
Defense: 1400

You can Normal Summon this card without Tributing a monster. If you Normal Summon it this way, it is sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase.


I don't know about everyone else, but I have been looking forward to this card since I saw the text a few months ago.

It is no solution to anything, it only fuels the fire.

Yesterday, at the sneak peak, I got about 9 of these (which I'm known to do for about any decent card from every pack) then I promptly made an all light return deck and playtested it against my friends who were in the regional that day.

It did very well, won just as much as any return deck.

But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the beauty of this card.

It gives either, apparent advantage (i.e. they lose a monster or they use a Sakuretsu Armor on it) or they lose lifepoint advantage. Some of you may not agree but lifepoint advantage is a big thing this format, management of life is very important. Even though a return can turn it around for you.

This card destroys just about every widely used monster out there, from Cyber Dragon to Chaos Sorceror, this card beats it down. It can kamikaze Zaborg the Thunder Monarchs and other monarchs that may still be used. And the best part. It's a light monster. A few seconds after it's used, it's sent to the graveyard, either by opponent, or by it's own effect. (Unless you sacrificed for it) This card provides a light in the grave, and not just any light.

But when Returned, you get a 2400 attacker. It's an easy to the grave, light, beatstick.

I am suspecting that this card will see a lot of play amoung Return from the Different Dimension decks.

And for you original kids, this card will vastly improve Fairy decks. Along with many other cards in the EoJ set. :D

I easily give this card an 8/10.

The art is some weird tiger blowing out light? I don't like the art so much 3/10 (Art)

Hope you enjoyed this review, yo'.

If any of you remember my Fluorescent Response deck, I will be making Fluorescent Response II, so watch out for it. :)
Maruno said:
Yep, I was expecting this response. And the :) doesn't make it all nice and friendly either. But just because I don't know what the gaming world is like doesn't mean my opinion is invalid. I made comments based on the functionality of the card itself, and I'm sure there'll be some people who also see the downsides to this card and choose not to run it. And since they chose not to, it's a valid choice (so no calling it stupid or foolish).

I didn't say all people, nor did I neglect to say "I'm guessing". Personal opinion. Perhaps not a completely informed one, but you might want to blame UDE or Konami or whoever it is that doesn't put any tournaments in England for that. I'm forming an opinion based on what I know, which is all anyone can do. I'd like to play in tournaments, but I don't fancy a 5 hour train journey just to get to one, and then losing quickly with my so-called weaker cards when I run up against a bunch of CCCs.

I was expecting a response as well, and the :) isn't meant to make it friendlier, but somehow, some people take it that way.

It adds to the sarcasm and tone of the post, actually.

And what I mean is, if you aren't well informed, and you know that. Why post until you can put a good opinion instead of some flawed one.

But even if you had a flawed opinion, what really pisses me off is that you had to tell everyone that you don't play the game, that being the excuse of your lack of information.

I guess moderators don't pay attention to little ol' sadistic Dustin anymore.

You could always ignore my post, you know. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that is mine. I looked at the card, and founds some of its weaknesses. That alone doesn't depend upon my experiences in tournaments. I only need to know how to play the game, which I do.

I'm pressed for time here, so I won't say anything more. Nor indeed do I feel I must; I don't need to justify myself to anyone. It's my opinion.
(Almost) All Fairy-type monters are BA, and that is all. :D

I love the new Majestic Mech cards. Especially Ohka. It almost makes me want to Yugioh again.
actually, Ohka opens up a possible "Skill Drain" deck theme. you have your goblins, lei lei, and now Ohka, as well as Goryu(I don't think i missed any). I was hesitant of doing so, because the run of the mill single sac monsters are usually 2400 or better, even if i add Mask of Restrict. that could really put a hurtin on some one. after skill drain hits the field, bout the only thing could stop it is the regular MT killers like typhoon, HS, GT, and such.