Making a book, suggestions and assistance?


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
I feel that this is the appropriate board because I am indeed asking for help regarding Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

Well, I've started making a book and all I have so far is a table of contents. What I'm asking people is if there is anything I'm forgetting before I actually start the book. If I actually finish the book I will find a publisher, publish it, and sell it in stores. The purpose of this book is to make a informative and comprehensive guide to Yu-Gi-Oh and hopfully better educate the Yu-Gi-Oh community.

Suggestions for things forgotten would be nice :)
Anyone who whishes to donate an article or somthing to the cause will recieve all credit for their donation.

I obviosly will be giving HUGE props to this forum in general due to the amount I have learned here.

When the book is done I plan on finding a lvl 3 judge (probably John Danker... he doesn't know this yet) and getting all the information in the book verified.

It will probably take anywhere from 2-8 months to finish the book. If it takes longer then that then it means I've probably given it up; though at the moment I have no intention of doing so.

here it is:
-Table of Contents
--What you need to know
---Chaining and the battle phase
---Timing and activation eligibility "“ optinal vs. mandatory
---When a card turns into another type of card
---The order in which things are applied
--In-Depth card reviews and some of the cards that give judges headaches
---Morphing Jar #2
---Divine Wrath (most headache inducing card award)
--Because Upperdeck Entertainment said so
---Spirit Reaper Vs. Berserk
---Spirit Reaper "“ "attacking directly"
---Night Assailant
---Riryoku Field
---Scapegoat vs. Creature Swap
---The Legendary Fisherman and Guardian Kay'est
---A Legendary Ocean and Harpie Lady 1,2, and 3
--Debating the gameplay value of cards "“ is it worth it?
---Book of Moon
---Raigeki Break
---Compulsory Evacuation Device
---Jowls of Dark Demise
---Magic Cylinder
---Drop Off
---Giant Trunade
--Good cards that people do not realize exist (so to speak) "“ a debate
---Cold Wave
---Autonomous Action Unit
---Mysterious Guard
---Winged Sage Falcos
---Blast With Chain
---Bubonic Vermin
---Card of Safe Return
---Cobra Jar
---Curse of Royal
---Des Lacooda
---Magical Merchant
---Fairy Box
---Chaos Necromancer
---King Tiger Wanghu
---Mind Crush
---Ordeal of a Traveler
---Possessed Dark Soul
---Spear Cretin
---Thunder of Ruler
---Time Seal
---Trap Dustshoot
---Widespear Ruin
--Deck types
---Decks that have seen a lot of play
----Last Turn
----Magical Scientist
----Field control/Agro
---Decks that have just recently seen some play
----Skill Drain
---Decks that need to see more play
----Fire Princess
----Chaos Necromancer
----Cyber Jar
----Mirage Knight
--Traditional format vs. Advanced format
--The side deck, what to put in it, and how to use it
--A short discussion on the rarity ratio in the more recent packs
--Credits and Special Thanks
The table of contents didn't come out the way I copied and pasted it... I had used "tab"s to seperate sections and sub-sections but that didn't show when I posted it. I used dashes ("-") to indicate higharchy rank...
You might have a section in the beginning telling how Yugioh came to be. You know, the brief history to now. Are you thinking of making it more of an oppionated or informative style? Have you thought of a title?
I also wish you the best. But, you realize that, looking at the index, you are aiming at a pretty HUGE project.

In the old days of Legacy of Darkness, by myself, I tried to make my "New Thousand-Rules Bible", a fusion between the Rulebook and the latest rulings of every card from Edo's homepage (The only serious source back then). I tried to make it a Web Page but It took a lot of time just to get all the information. It took me about a month to order it correctly, and I never finished. Look that it was before the concept of priority was ever mentioned, when the real troublesome card was Waboku.

So, first, that book will take a GREAT amount of time to be done. If you have the time, no prob.

Now, the real problem. A book.

The problem is that a book keeps its ideas, but the environment doesn't. I fear that, in the worst of cases, a week after you release the book, a sudden idea appears and changes all that is thought about Yu-Gi-Oh! (like when Mr. Kevin announced about the multiple chains in Battle Phase), making some or most of the work done outdated.

I suggest to look for a method to avoid this. Don't know, maybe Magazines or separate what is concrete (most of the times) from what is not (most of the times). It is now up to you. Good luck again.
fendish envoy:
thank you, I will fix that

Big Oldprankster:
I don't know enough to do that not to mention I would need top research exact dates...

Maester Bacman:
This I'm aware of. I plan to repeat this several times in the introduction section. (talking about "books keep ideas")
you prolly wont be allowed to publish a book with out legal consect from Konami of Japan.

and the fact that they released Thousand Rules Bible and is now more out of date than Legend of Blue Eyes.

i dont want to make your hopes come down like a drug head in their peek, but sir, you wont be able to publish a book for a very long time.

best thing you can do, is email all the peeps at konami and junk and have them publish a new english version of Thousand Rules Bible.

not to mention have come with promos :D
krazykidpsx said:
you prolly wont be allowed to publish a book with out legal consect from Konami of Japan.

Just make a trip to you local library there. Books are considered an art form. Hommages to absolutely anything are legal. One can make a book about yu-gi-oh jsut as easily as one can make a book about Bridge or Euchre. Its just a card game.

Also its not illegal to make your own cards. Its only illegal to pass made up cards as being authentic or to use Trademarks if you plan on selling them.
We are already working on a manual such as this exiledforcefreak. Me and a couple of others on the netrep team.

Its been a little slow for me right now because of time, but I have 2 seperate guildes that we will help greatly.

If you would like to help out, just give be a PM.