Memoirs of a stubborn Yugioh git.

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Yes. The 'prodigal Yugioh daughter' returneth, after a year of desperately trying to keep afloat in an ocean of pubescent testosterone, with only the vague memories of feminine maturity as my loyal guide and lifeboat.

I would really like to think & believe that the 'anti-CC' movement is still alive and well, however this & general 'good sportsmanship' appears to have gone the way of the proverbial dodo.

I seem to be a 'relic' of a bygone era in this era where you could proudly hold your head up & yell: "BEWD go!!!..Burst Stream attack!!!" or "Exodia Obliterate!!" or even "You have just activated my Face-Down Trap card" followed by the obligatory, forced, fake maniacal laughter.

Now, it's all become 'serious business' & people who play for laughs are considered extremely weird. Of course, most people are 'competitive' by nature, however, in their own 'serious' state of mind, they often tend to 'overgeneralise' the motives that others have for playing.

Yes, I still run my old, trusty Fiend deck & yes, I still want to (& often) win with it, but for many this 'does not compute' because Tele-DAD & Lightsworn Decks are the only decks that win. Ask any SJC champion..heck ask and they will all tell you the same thing.

Now, duelists are classified into two categories "good" and "bad".

1. You are able to read & netdeck a SJC winning deck off
2. You have at least $2000 worth of 'spare cash' just laying around that you can totally waste on cardboard.
3. You know all the cheating techniques that 'pro's' use to guarantee a win without getting busted.
4. You are able to rip-off little kids & newbies very successfully, then go & brag to your mates about it.
5. You own the best set of scales that money can buy.
6. You also own the best playmat, card sleeves & diamond-encrusted Scapegoat tokens &
7. You try to force 'original' duelists & newbies out of the game with uber rude & abusive comments, so you get to enjoy much better competition like those that boring netdecked 'mirror matches' provide.

1. You prefer to think up & playtest your own ideas & strategies. You also don't have any problems with 'netdeckers' until such times as they start having problems with you.
2. You work to a budget, or you prefer to spend your money on food, clothing & the 'necessities' of life. You much prefer using a 50c card like Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy a $300 Dark Armed Dragon, than buying a DAD yourself, or delight when a Needle Worm sends your opponent's CCV straight to their Graveyard.
When costly cards get limited, you laugh as their E-Bay prices drop drastically overnight.
3. You are moralistic & respectful & would never cheat, lie or steal. You believe that those who resort to doing these despicable things are just that. Despicable.
Sometimes, you may give comment about it, but it's just like pee-ing in the ocean..besides which, you don't really want to give anybody the impression that you are 'bad' do you?
4. You try & help newbies get better at the game, sometimes even giving them free cards for their decks. You hope to get to them before the 'good' duelists do & before they are ripped off, forced to quit, or 'recruited' into the ubiquitous "CC Cult". You realise you are only pushing marbles uphill with a rake though. 'De-Programming' is nigh impossible.
5. You prefer to buy singles to save money & laugh at those with scales who come second to a newly opened box just after the first scaler has left the store.
It's a 'jungle out there'.
6. You own a tattered old paper mat from one of the first Character/Structure decks & use buttons off your old fave sweater that has fallen apart as tokens. Your sleeves are probably 'el cheapo' but they do the same job (as does everything else).
Simplicity & sentimentality are the two significant trademarks of a 'bad duelist'.
7. You enjoy a wide variety of matches, from a wide variety of duelists. You encourage newbies & never have a bad word to say about/against anybody.

So, after being in the 'thick of it all' & not really liking what I see, I just found the levels of immaturity and adolescent arrogance to be totally astounding & stupifying, even for a 'childs card game'. Hardly anybody knows where I am 'coming from' when I make comments or suggestions & the only thing I can think of is that it's because they are not adults & they cannot see things from a mature perspective yet.
It felt like I was bashing my brains out against a brick wall.

Yes, I am back, among my 'own kind' as it were. I just miss the 'laid back', nonchalante attitude that this forum provides & I don't really 'fit in' anywhere else..god knows, I have tried my best.
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The fun of tournys has been striped away by netdeckers, the last tourny i entered I dropped all because I had won 1 match in 4. My only win was agianst the only duelist I faced not using a version dad or lightsworn decks and most of my mates were having the similar problems.
at the last tournament i went to was game 08 i went for some fun but i think everyone waa running light sworn in my first 2 matches i faced 2 varients of light sworn and nearly everyone a round me were running varients of light sworn.

i want to run lightsworn it's just that the jd's and charge are just to expensive. to finish my light sworn deck i just need the jd's the charge and an ehron.

now i just want to build a light deck i just need 3 voltic kong and 3 thunder king rai-ou.

i plan on side decking the light imprisoning mirror. die lightsworn die:D

also welcome back to the city necromancer.
I just took my Dark/Fiend RFP deck to Hobby League a couple of weeks ago and went 3-1 (2nd place out of 16). Of course, I did not see any Lightsworn or DAD decks there, but I did see a lot of samurais.

The deck I lost against was a Yubel deck (the first place winner), and if you look at the build of my Dark/Fiend RFP deck I have posted, then you will understand why I lost to Yubel. lol

I'm almost done with my own verson of a Lightsworn deck, which is also posted on the site. All I need is 2 monks and a Magic Reflector. I'm personally not opposed to people running what they know works, I'm opposed to them not putting their own spin on the deck. I'm running Lightsworn/Macro. :)
i don't want to sound nasty chaosruler but how does lightsworn macro work i'm trying traditional lightsworn without jd and i tend to deck out before i get the final blow in.
but in macro decks nothing goes to the graveyard so wolf would be useless as it has to go to the graveyard to get it's effect and you need at least 4 lightsworn monsters in your graveyard to summon jd also honest has to go the graveyard to get it's effect i just don't see how lightsworn macro can work.

i built an anti meta deck it had three fossil dina's 3 bannisher of radiance and 3 kychoo when it worked it worked realy well and beat lightsworn. don't know about teledad because know one seemed to be playing it game 08.

i like decks that have new concepts but i hate people that win because there net decking.
i don't want to sound nasty chaosruler but how does lightsworn macro work i'm trying traditional lightsworn without jd and i tend to deck out before i get the final blow in.
but in macro decks nothing goes to the graveyard so wolf would be useless as it has to go to the graveyard to get it's effect and you need at least 4 lightsworn monsters in your graveyard to summon jd also honest has to go the graveyard to get it's effect i just don't see how lightsworn macro can work.

i built an anti meta deck it had three fossil dina's 3 bannisher of radiance and 3 kychoo when it worked it worked realy well and beat lightsworn. don't know about teledad because know one seemed to be playing it game 08.

i like decks that have new concepts but i hate people that win because there net decking.

Its DimensionRuler not Chaosruler Jinzo.

And the answer to your question is actually quit simple; I don't run Wolfs, Honests, or Judgement Dragons.
Necromancer....Glad to have you back. Bravo on your speech! It is sad, dark and evil out there, but we press on in the good fight. If we don't get ahold of these young ones and teach them right....if we don't stand up against cheating, stealing and lazy deck-building, then the terrorists have won!!
sorry dimension ruler i didn't mean to get your name wrong.

Its allright Jinzo, stuff happens. I hope it didn't sound like I was snapping at you, I've just been overworked and over stressed lately. Did you check out the deck? I hope it shed some light on your question.
it's o.k we all have days like that.

yes i checked out your deck and it's different i'm not a fan of rfp or a fan of lightsworn any more i played three duels using my lightsworn i managed to mill all 3 solar recharge and draw all of my wulf in 1 duel then in another i milled all my honest.

i'm not sure what to build at the moment i might try spell casters i don't know every deck seems to need a lot of secrets to work properly.

i'm sick of japan they got jd as an ultimate rare they also got crush card as a common in a structure deck.:mad:

why is this game so expensive 80 - 100 pound for a card it ticks me of.
I agree whole heartedly... I've never been to any big events, but I'd probably be the guy saying "Hold it..." to the little kids about to trade off a fifty dollar card for a 50 cents card, and ruin a "good" duelist's day by telling the little kid he can probably get fifty+ dollars off ebay...

And then laugh when the "good" duelist gets ticked at me, and wants to pummel my head in. And i don't doubt they'd want to too... i can actually remember reading a post where a guy traded his BEUD, for a little kid's plaguespreader... and was bragging about it...

It makes me sick, and anymore, people are just in it for the money... i know i used to have fun playing the game... anymore... i don't... hmmm... might try my earth deck again... i was trying to make an earth deck that ran Ritual and Fusion weapon... i think i might try it again...

I would like it if we could just play for fun and not have to worry about so much, but anymore, we have to worry about every tiny little ruling... how this does that, how this can be done here, but not there...
Maybe this game has become too tense...
Wow, and she calls herself Necromancer....but you just Necormanced a 3 month old thread. Hehe. Still it's good to hear your thoughts on this. I wonder, with the lack of big events (Regionals and SJs), if the fun play will kick back up again and some of the professional players might need to get "real" jobs. Time will tell. But you will always have those looking to scam the innocent. Just remember, their value of their chacter is demonstrated at the value of the scam. Frankly, my honor is worth far more than a Plaguespreader (or any YuGiOh! card for that matter.
Yeah... sorry...

I wasn't here when they stopped talking on this one so...

Anyway... hopefully they will... it's kinda depressing that so far, the complaints about the UDE Vs. Konami are all about the big time OP. That there isn't going to be anymore...
Honestly... i don't really care. I couldn't get to any of the big OP events anyway.

Mmm... Chaos Necromancer... deck requiring monsters in the graveyard, yes? Hmmm what else can be done? Hmmm... {zones out for a few seconds}
Oh, a... sorry... i'm a little sick right now, and my brains a bit... loopy...
I guess I'm a bad duelist then. I maintain my BEWD deck. It's not always my go to deck but I still play it and keep it up.

I run Angels (Fairies) at locals because I like seeing my opponent struggle against my Venus+Royal Decree combo.

I'm working on a Black Wing deck now, another non-meta deck.

Though I do bash and trash certain other players. If you didn't design your deck, you get no respect from me, and I WILL laugh my rear off when my $100 +/- deck rips your $2000 Tele-dad deck in half.
Now, duelists are classified into two categories "good" and "bad".

1. You are able to read & netdeck a SJC winning deck off
2. You have at least $2000 worth of 'spare cash' just laying around that you can totally waste on cardboard.
3. You know all the cheating techniques that 'pro's' use to guarantee a win without getting busted.
4. You are able to rip-off little kids & newbies very successfully, then go & brag to your mates about it.
5. You own the best set of scales that money can buy.
6. You also own the best playmat, card sleeves & diamond-encrusted Scapegoat tokens &
7. You try to force 'original' duelists & newbies out of the game with uber rude & abusive comments, so you get to enjoy much better competition like those that boring netdecked 'mirror matches' provide.

1. You prefer to think up & playtest your own ideas & strategies. You also don't have any problems with 'netdeckers' until such times as they start having problems with you.
2. You work to a budget, or you prefer to spend your money on food, clothing & the 'necessities' of life. You much prefer using a 50c card like Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy a $300 Dark Armed Dragon, than buying a DAD yourself, or delight when a Needle Worm sends your opponent's CCV straight to their Graveyard.
When costly cards get limited, you laugh as their E-Bay prices drop drastically overnight.
3. You are moralistic & respectful & would never cheat, lie or steal. You believe that those who resort to doing these despicable things are just that. Despicable.
Sometimes, you may give comment about it, but it's just like pee-ing in the ocean..besides which, you don't really want to give anybody the impression that you are 'bad' do you?
4. You try & help newbies get better at the game, sometimes even giving them free cards for their decks. You hope to get to them before the 'good' duelists do & before they are ripped off, forced to quit, or 'recruited' into the ubiquitous "CC Cult". You realise you are only pushing marbles uphill with a rake though. 'De-Programming' is nigh impossible.
5. You prefer to buy singles to save money & laugh at those with scales who come second to a newly opened box just after the first scaler has left the store.
It's a 'jungle out there'.
6. You own a tattered old paper mat from one of the first Character/Structure decks & use buttons off your old fave sweater that has fallen apart as tokens. Your sleeves are probably 'el cheapo' but they do the same job (as does everything else).
Simplicity & sentimentality are the two significant trademarks of a 'bad duelist'.
7. You enjoy a wide variety of matches, from a wide variety of duelists. You encourage newbies & never have a bad word to say about/against anybody.
my freind did something a "good dulist" would do once to a kid he babysat trading a giant kosaki for one of her powerful cards it was halarius (but she had been playing for about 3 or 4 four years when this happened
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