mirror wall vs injection fairy lily


New Member
player A sets a mirror wall, summon gemini elf and end turn
player B summons injection fairy lily and declare attack
during damage step, player B use IFL effect to boost up the attack to 3400
here's the question, can player A responds by activating mirror wall so that the attack points of IFL become 1700?
(according to upperdeck, traps that can modify attack and defend points are allowed to be activated during damage step.. one example is castle walls.)
yes you may activate mirror wall in damage step because it is a trap that modifier atck or def of monster involved in batlle EVEN being a trap spell speed 2

It can be activated, but most people will end up activating it in a chain with Lily's effect

IFL -> Mirror Wall

"Mirror Wall" resolves first, cutting her to 200.

"Injection Fairy Lily" gets her boost to 3200.


Now, technically you should be able to start a new chain after IFL's effect resolves in which case that would knock it down to 1700... but then someone is bound to mention this ruling.

"¢ The effect of "Mirror Wall" will reduce "Injection Fairy Lily"'s ATK by half before you decide to use its effect or not. So if you activate its effect, its ATK will be 3200. If 2 copies of "Mirror Wall" are active, its ATK will be 3100.

But that is regarding an already active face-up "Mirror Wall". But some will argue it anyway.
Talking about this, does somebody know if the rulings of Kinetic Soldier vs. Limiter Removal or Sanga of the Thunder vs. Injection Fairy Lily have changed with the conception of multiple chains in the Damage Calculation?

These are alike cases, but I only know the posible outcomes supossing there is only 1 chain in Damage Calculation. Now that we are talking about Injection Fairy Lily vs. Mirror Wall, It should be possible to see what to do in the other cases. Thanks.
Lilly's effect is Spell Speed 2. So if I activate Mirror Wall 1st, I would be safe from that pump even if Lilly decides to attack with an addition of 3000
alright, can someone clear up doubts pls. so if my opponent declares atk with his lily, do i activate my mirror wall upon attack or can i do so when he declares he wants to pump up.. also, what abt an existing mirror wall. lily's effect will still be overridden my the mirror wall or not?