Mobius vs Skill Drain?


New Member
I know that when skill drain is already active on field it does negate Mobius effect.

But can you chain skill drain to mobius effect? Or is mobius effect just like Jinzo's not chainable?

I've read something about that mobius effect is mandatory..
"Mobius"s effect is an optional effect. IF you use it, then yes, you can chain either or both of the targeted cards to the effect, or any other valid Spell/Trap for that matter.

So, yes, to answer your question, you can chain "Skill Drain" to "Mobius"s effect and his effect will 'Disappear' and your Spell/Trap cards will be saved!...yay!
I wrote to exiledforcefreak once:

I've asked earlier about priorities and you gave me a confusing
piece of

My question was simple when I chain "Trap Hole" on "mobius" when
"Stumbling" is out, does it negate mobius effect? Like exiled

And one more, Bazoo-the soul eater. Can it's effect be used more
than one
time during a duel?

best regards Duc Tran

pls reply to my email,


First of, Stumbling does not negate Exiled Force, it prevent's
it from
being activated when it's summoned.

Second, no, Stumbling will not prevent Mobius's effect from
because it is an optional trigger effect and not a ignition

-It's effect can be used more then one time in a duel but not
more then
one time in a turn.

If mobius effect is optional, why can't I prevent it just like with Exiled Force rulings?
Well, this one was sorta answered in the "Mobius" rulings.

From the UDE FAQ:
"[Re: Stumbling] The effect of "Stumbling" goes on a chain immediately after a monster is Summoned. As a mandatory Trigger Effect, "Stumbling" is always on the chain before optional Trigger Effects ("Mobius the Frost Monarch") or chained Spell & Trap Cards ("Trap Hole")."

"Exiled Force" is an ignition effect, not a triggered effect, which means you can choose to use it's effect at any time during a Main Phase, or when you choose to use your Priority to respond to your summon. Now, because "Stumbling" is a mandatory Triggered effect, it will automatically take up link 1 on the summoning response chain, so the summoning player loses their ability to use Priority for "Exiled Force"s effect since it's not one of the SEGOC valid Spell Speed 1 effects.

Now, "Mobius" is an optional Trigger effect, so it IS one of the SEGOC valid Spell Speed 1 effects, so it can go on a chain with "Stumbling".

NOTE: This is how I understand it to be. I could be completely wrong on my above statement! Anybody feel free to smack me down!

So the scenario would be this.

"Stumbling" is active.
I have 1 monster on the field, and "Mobius" in hand.
You have 3 face-down Spell/Traps, "Trap Hole" being one of them.
I Tribute Summon "Mobius".
"Stumbling"s effect becomes step 1.
I choose to use "Mobius" effect, so it becomes step 2.
You choose to respond with "Trap Hole", so it becomes step 3.

Resolve in reverse order.
"Trap Hole" destroys "Mobius".
"Mobius" effect will still destroy any remaining cards targeted by it's effect.
"Stumbling"s effect Disappears as "Mobius" is no longer on the field to switch to defense position.

Hope this helps!