Monarch battlers?

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CoG iTrader
What cards are good against Monarchs in general? I've been playing online some and have been up against a lot of Monarch decks and tend to get whooped by them... here's a few that I'm thinking of:

Enemy Controller
Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Divine Wrath
Solemn Judgement
Horn of Heaven

I know that with the first three they still get their effects but at least they're unable to attack.

Any others? Any of the above not so great?
you could use skill drain, destiny heor plasma, kaiser gliders a pretty good option
book of moon would also be a good way to stop the monarchs from attacking thats all i can think of right now.
Pulling the Rug.

That's the best counter to Monarchs, Gadgets, Demise and even Cyberdark.

If you really needed some other counters to use in conjunction with Pulling the Rug, I would advise sticking to Enemy Controller and Bottomless Trap Hole. With zombies being fairly popular, Bottomless Trap Hole gains flexibility as it can prevent Zombie Master from resolving. Enemy Controller can also give you that random kill as well as manipulation over the field.
I'd also recommend Skill Drain. Nowadays it is quite easy to make a strong Skill Drain deck that can knock a Monarch (and everybody else) cold and you can leverage through Newdoria, Necrofear, Tomato, etc. 8^D
What cards are good against Monarchs in general? I've been playing online some and have been up against a lot of Monarch decks and tend to get whooped by them... here's a few that I'm thinking of:

Enemy Controller
Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Divine Wrath
Solemn Judgement
Horn of Heaven

I know that with the first three they still get their effects but at least they're unable to attack.

Any others? Any of the above not so great?

Forgot one of the biggest Monarch killers there is....

Pulling the Rug

and another favorite of mine...a set Dark Dust Spirit
Forgot one of the biggest Monarch killers there is....

Pulling the Rug

and another favorite of mine...a set Dark Dust Spirit

Yeah, I really like DDS but if he's face down and targeted by Zaborg's, Granmarg's or Raiza's effect his effect won't go off... :(
I think you misread the last post. LordLight is pretty effective against Monarchs AND Jinzo, not Jinzo is good against Monarchs.
I think you misread the last post. LordLight is pretty effective against Monarchs AND Jinzo, not Jinzo is good against Monarchs.

LordLight is probably not the best choice against Monarch since he hasn't been made into a card yet. =_=" Forced Back is the card that's pretty good against Monarch and many other tribute monsters, including Jinzo.
ROFL! Man did _I_ miss a post there! Maybe I should petition for a new card to cover my back 8^D
I would highly recommend not to use Forced Back as a counter. It's just an inferior version of Pulling the Rug. If you struggle against the likes of Jinzo, just use Enemy Controller. Forced Back just delays a threat, and doesn't do much other than that. Sure, you can say it can create a 1-for-1 if they tribute. But if that's the case, Pulling the Rug would give you a +1 in advantage against a monarch, which is obviously better. Let's not forget about Treeborn Frog which basically nullifies the tribute cost for monarchs. Not only would Forced Back delay the threat, but it would be a loss of advantage which could be fatal later on in the game.

So if you're looking for an actual specific counter to side in:
- Pulling the Rug

If you're looking for main-deck material just to have a slight advantage in game one:
- Enemy Controller
- Bottomless Trap Hole
- Solemn Judgment
I would highly recommend not to use Forced Back as a counter. It's just an inferior version of Pulling the Rug. If you struggle against the likes of Jinzo, just use Enemy Controller. Forced Back just delays a threat, and doesn't do much other than that. Sure, you can say it can create a 1-for-1 if they tribute. But if that's the case, Pulling the Rug would give you a +1 in advantage against a monarch, which is obviously better. Let's not forget about Treeborn Frog which basically nullifies the tribute cost for monarchs. Not only would Forced Back delay the threat, but it would be a loss of advantage which could be fatal later on in the game.

So if you're looking for an actual specific counter to side in:
- Pulling the Rug

If you're looking for main-deck material just to have a slight advantage in game one:
- Enemy Controller
- Bottomless Trap Hole
- Solemn Judgment

You make a good argument against using Forced Back, but I would like to point something out.

-Pulling the Rug will only work on the Monarchs, Breaker, a few others.
-Forced Back will work against anything that is normal summoned or flip summoned. The Monarchs, Breaker, Jinzo, Maurading Captain, Magician of Faith, etc. It may only delay the threat, but sometimes that's all that's needed.

But then again, it all depends on the deck and personal preferences of the player.
Wouldn't Pulling the Rug work against Jinzo as well or is Pulling the Rug only working against Triggered effects like Monarchs?
Pulling the Rug will not work on Continuous effects, like Jinzo's.
What about Dark Ruler Ha Des, as a 2450, he can stomp those Monarchs.
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(unless someone rune Mobius with A Legendary Ocean.
Giga Gagagigo is so much better. And frankly, there are Field Spell Cards that will benefit any of the Monarchs. It's just that people don't use them. I would have thought that at least FIRE and WIND Decks would use their +500/-400 Field Spells, because how often do you see those Attributes in Decks? And even if you do, only one or two - they help much more in specifically themed Decks.

I think this is deviation from the subject.
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