My name is Legion for we are many!


New Member
Hi all, well I've been playing YGO since around the time of LOB but got really serious around the time of IOC just before Chaos went nuts. My favourite Type of monster and deck have always been Dragons I just wish that konami would bring out more 4 star and lower Dragons with great effects, that doesn't stop me from running them though.. my favourite dragon based deck is a little something I like to call Frost and Black Flame Dragon. I'll leave you to guess what it contains, next to Dragons my favourite deck is Fiends of all varieties (loving the new evil hero's) amongst them I think of Ha Des as king.

I love to create hybrid decks (deckstudio FTW! gotta love the dillie-o) and am always hacking apart the latest CC deck to splice it with other interesting strategies, truth is I enjoy Deckbuilding as much if not more than dueling and rulings, I would love to be an official judge as I do judge at a couple of local tourneys, but just use NETREP and/or Ronin depending on net access. I feel I would need to brush up on some of the lesser known rulings first though.

Sometimes I get kids making fun of me for still playing but it doesn't bother me as I just challenge them and wipe the smirks off their faces when they realise they just can't win, there is never any hard feelings though it just a game after all and I usually end up helping them with their decks afterward.
I even had a 10yr old wipe the floor with me using a deck I had just built for him, 3 duels in a row!! not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed, lol.

but anyway im rambling im glad to see alot of "older players" on this site as its something definately lacking from other sites.

Well thats me I'm done spamming. Glad to be here. :D
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Hey Raziel, let me be the first to welcome you then. From the look of things, it sounds like you'll fit right in here. This is a really good place to brush up on your rulings, as we've always had some of the top players and judges frequent the site and we encourage discussion. And there's plenty of old peop-- er, I mean seasoned individuals around here. :D (As my wife says, some of us are more seasoned then then dirt. :blue: *ahem*)

In any case, welcome to the City, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us. We've been trying our best to make this a place different then the other sites out there, as you mentioned. Not trying to out-do them, per se, just trying give players like us a place to feel comfortable and get away from the usual craziness that ensues on your typical big board forum. Hopefully, you find that here with us. Thanks for joining, and feel free to let us know what you think.
Welcome to the city!!! Good another Red Dwarf fan on the site:) , nice to meet ya.