My Steam Curation Group

You know, I might finally break down and install Steam on one of my laptops. Previously space was an issue. However, not that I have access to more storage, I seem to have become obsessed with movies and fan films.
I feel I should give a warning here, having money Steam during one of there infamous sales will be an invitation to spend it on games you either don't have space for or you only wanted because of price, but if you can resist the urge then good luck to you.
Think you'll get one of these Steam Machines when/if they come out? Looks like the chance to get in as a Beta tester is over.

While I think it's interesting, I'm more curious about the various Android forays into the console market. I think with phone and tablet hardware becoming increasingly more powerful, we'll see a revolution in gaming come from within that ecosystem.
I've heard that they where expensive for the components used, even if that's not true, i'm probably gonna pass on the machines and I might get the OS and run it along side Windows on the same PC i'm hoping to eventually replace my Laptop with.
Although the Android situation does seem interesting I'll have a look at that when morethingshappen with it.
Oh cool, I went looking and found a list of some games that are planned to get to become Oculus compatible listed here ->
it is a interesting list.