My thoughts on the next Ban List

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New Member
I must admit that I was looking forward to the next Ban list, hoping that some overpowered cards would get either banned, or restricted, and that along with some more theme oriented cards of the last couple of sets might allow for from new Tier 1 decks that are not just CC Decks. What we got instead however was simply the Japneesse Ban list, which makes no sense considering that our game doesn't have anything close to the same meta that their game does.

Newly Banned Cards
1. Dark Hole: At least this is one that they got right, any card that can genetrate an easy 2 for 1 without any restrictions on its use should be banned.

2. Cyber Jar: Why was this banned? This was a balanced card in my opinion. While you could get a possible 2+ for one trade, it had to be set (meaning it was slow, and could get destoried before its effect could be set off), and its second effect had the potiental to give your opponet field advantage. Any deck that could get it off on their turn could use it to its max potiental, but at the same time, this could set up your opponet for a win. And this wasn't even used by many players. This is one card that I'm going to miss.

3. Exchange of the Spirit: Why does UDE hate OTK decks so much? Restricting this to one was enough to make sure that any OTK deck based on this was not overpowered.

4. Last Turn: Why ban this? If UDE really wanted to stop people from running that OTK deck then they should have simply banned Self Destruct button, which is what made the deck so sick, not Last Turn?

5. Time Seal: I can see why this was banned in Japan, but this is not Japan, besides, if a lock with this card was really that big of a problem, just ban Tsukuyomi, as this is the card that was the cause of this deck and Goat Control as well. Also, didn't any decks over there use Divine Wrath?

Newly Restricted:
1.D.D Assilent: This actually makes sense, as this card can to easily remove any opponets monster that is a threat, and you opponet either had to lost a monster, or a spell in order to deal with it.

2. Drop Off: With Dark World out there, this can be a risk to runing this, and you have no way of knowing if you are even getting a good card or not. Hit an MST or other Quick play, and you've just wasted your trap. I don't see this card becoming overpowered, as there are things out there to balance it (Treeborn Frog anyone).

3. Graceful Chartiy: Why the hell was this unbanned??? Can we say a +5 card advantage to Dark World Decks? Free way to get Treeborn Frog into the Graveyard? This card should have remained banned, and they should have thought of brinning Pot of Greed back instead of this?

4. Last Will: Cyber Stien has enough ways to get special summoned without this card, and it was actually good enough to encourage some decks around trying to take advatage of. I actually thought that this was a balanced card, as the user would have to find a way to kill one of this own monster to get its effect.

5. Level Limit Area B: It appears that UDE doesn't like control very much. I don't favor limiting cards that actually require careful deck building to take full advantage of.

6. Mirror Force: While this can generate a 2 for 1, it has several limitations that balance it out. First, it it a trap. Second, it can only be activated if your opponet attacks you. Third, it only destoried face up attack position Monsters.

7. Mask of Darkenss: Why?? How can this be considered more powerful the Magician of Faith? There might be some cards in Japan that would makes this tru, but that it certinally not the case here.

8. Pot of Arvice: This certinally needed restriction, as the previous draw engienes were a bit too good. One of this is enough. Good enough to bee good, but not so powerful as to be broken.

9. Treeborn Frog: Why, why why??? Its own effect pretty much limited it to one per deck. If someone wanted to sure more than one of this can try to get some advantage out of it, they should have been allowed to try. This seems to indicate that UDE really doesn't know how to balance out its own game.

Newly Semi- Restricted:

1.Apprentance Magician: Not really sure what to think about this, as it is entierly meta-game dependent. However, if you are going to Semi-Restirct this searcher, why not Restrict Reinforcment of the Army, a much more powerful card?

2. Deck Devistation Virus: They gave Dark World Graceful Charity, did they really need to give them more power? While most decks can't use this, Dark World decks could easily run two copies of this (espically with Treeborn Frog).

3. Magician of Faith: IS this really less powerful that Mask of Darkness. Most of the Strongest cards in the game are spells, and I can see this turning the game more into who gets luckly than who has more still. If we are giving people more options with powerful spells, why don't we give them more options to stop them while we are at it?

4. Noblemen of Crossout: This was certinally better of restricted. Flip Flop Control will laugh at someone thinking that they just got ride of all their reflippables (those aren't flip effects). You should not be punished for setting a monster. I fear that it will be too easy to simply say Noblmen your FD and attack for game.

5. Reflect Bounder: If people want to play around with this, they should certinally be allowed to. While this can be a huge wall late game, earily on, it will be seen for what it truly is (outside of a Machine Deck), a stall tactic that gains no advantage (as Reflect Bounder will always be destoried no matter what it is attacked by.

While I'm at it, here is a noval idea: Why don't we seperate Yugioh TCG from the Yugioh OCG entirely? Treat them as two seperate games (or at least to sepertate branches of the same game). They could have different championship, different ban lists, etc. Maybe even create cards for this game that are unique to it, and that don't exist in the Japanesse game? That way, maybe our list would have to be tailored to their's, which is based on a much larger card pool than we will ever have access to.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any and all opinons would be appreacated, as this is certinally open for discussion.
I must point out, however, that the Oct. 1st, 2005 Ban List was the first time we didn't have a list just like the Japanese. It's also the only time that has ever happened. A few players were actually upset that it didn't match the Japanese list, because they were used to making the early changes and play testing their new decks. Last year's ban list was the exception, not the norm. All that's really happened here is things have returned to the way they always were.
The unfortunate part to that is that UDE should have give a fair warning to all players that only during the october season there would be a UDE list and during the April the Konami List.

Konami doesnt care what happens to the TCG all they see is a little extra money going to their pocket. Let them think what they want all i know is that they arnt getting my money and I could care less.

this list is for the V-Lock deck and if you havent understood that by now then man... I dont know what to tell you.
Tonylaudat said:
2. Cyber Jar: Why was this banned? This was a balanced card in my opinion. While you could get a possible 2+ for one trade, it had to be set (meaning it was slow, and could get destoried before its effect could be set off), and its second effect had the potiental to give your opponet field advantage. Any deck that could get it off on their turn could use it to its max potiental, but at the same time, this could set up your opponet for a win. And this wasn't even used by many players. This is one card that I'm going to miss.

I imagine it is the possibility of that whole "I'm-uh go-oona deck ya', em hem" mentality, what with the unlimiting of Book of Taiyou. Also, they may have been worried that it would turn into an easy 2(or more)41, what with Mirror Force back in the house. Eh...there is already enough possible swarm with this list, I see their logic in CJ's banning.

Tonylaudat said:
4. Last Turn: Why ban this? If UDE really wanted to stop people from running that OTK deck then they should have simply banned Self Destruct button, which is what made the deck so sick, not Last Turn?

Last Turn, though a novel and interesting deck type, requires even less skill to play than your standerd CC. As the very esteemed Jarod recently pointed out it is basically "Dig dig dig, then draw or win in one turn. It is no fun, and lacks the skill of even the most basic of CC decks." It is a very boring deck to play against (draw in first 2 turns, lose in first 2 turns, or flop), and isn't an asset to the game-state in any shape or form. And yet it can STILL fark up some random people at regionals and SJCs who get unlucky facing them. The decklist doesn't even require imagination. Every card is either digging, Spirit Reaper, Jowgen, Last Turn, Self Destruct, or Wall/Inspection. A good ban in my opinion.

Tonylaudat said:
3. Graceful Chartiy: Why the hell was this unbanned??? Can we say a +5 card advantage to Dark World Decks? Free way to get Treeborn Frog into the Graveyard? This card should have remained banned, and they should have thought of brinning Pot of Greed back instead of this?

I think this (along with Mirror Force) was one of the more strategic and deep returns from Ban Land(tm). The way I see it, Konami is trying to stem discard in random decks (you know, the omnipresent Don Zaloog and Spirit Reaper). People are going to play Graceful, right? That will logically ramp up to people seeing the combo potential with Dark Realm cards. That, in turn, should stem the play of unrelegated discard. A very well thought out out return, I think. They may not have realized they were doing it, but I think they may have finally pushed Don Zaloog from "Abhorenlty Good" to "Good in some situations, and won't always want to hit the hand with him." As many people have seen, the "One Random Goldd" as it has been called has in no way slanted discard, as players will still head for that hand without hesitaiton. No, players have a good anti-meta answer in running "THR33 Random Goldds" and actually not have them dead in the hand. Of course, the American Metagame will likely snub the Dark Realms and still head right for that hand...

Tonyladaut said:
5. Level Limit Area B: It appears that UDE doesn't like control very much. I don't favor limiting cards that actually require careful deck building to take full advantage of.

...I think putting the Bind here would have been better, as this actually slows big pimpuh' M down...

Tonyladaut said:
6. Mirror Force: While this can generate a 2 for 1, it has several limitations that balance it out. First, it it a trap. Second, it can only be activated if your opponet attacks you. Third, it only destoried face up attack position Monsters.

241s that reuquire skill and strategy to pull off are gee-double"OH!"-dee GOOD. Bravo, Konami!

Tonyladaut said:
9. Treeborn Frog: Why, why why???

Because it's sick and slows the game to a crawl and breaks Monarchs in two.

Tonyladaut said:
4. Noblemen of Crossout: This was certinally better of restricted. Flip Flop Control will laugh at someone thinking that they just got ride of all their reflippables (those aren't flip effects). You should not be punished for setting a monster. I fear that it will be too easy to simply say Noblmen your FD and attack for game.

FFC needed a nudder. FFC=/=Des Lacoodas and the such, so NoC(k) owns them. And it WILL be too easy to say "Nobleman your FD and attack for game." But it will be equally easy to say "Mirror Force/Sak. Armor/Widespread the attack, swing back for game." NoC(k) should never have gone to one. Its regaled title as Worst Topedeck Ever is sometimes enough to make people think twice about maindecking the second.

Overall, I think this list shows depth. Something Konami and UDE have been lacking lately. I would have been a bit happier had Mobius, Cyber Dragon, and Spirit Reaper seen some limit-action, but you can't have everything I suppose.
krazykidpsx said:
The unfortunate part to that is that UDE should have give a fair warning to all players that only during the october season there would be a UDE list and during the April the Konami List.

Konami doesnt care what happens to the TCG all they see is a little extra money going to their pocket. Let them think what they want all i know is that they arnt getting my money and I could care less.

this list is for the V-Lock deck and if you havent understood that by now then man... I dont know what to tell you.
Why should they have warned us. They never gave any indiation that this was going to be a permanent thing. If anything, we are at fault for thinking that it would be an ongoing thing.
Digital Jedi said:
Why should they have warned us. They never gave any indiation that this was going to be a permanent thing. If anything, we are at fault for thinking that it would be an ongoing thing.
I guess having a Ban List that conforms to our environment just makes too much sense for them. It was only logical that we thought we would get another proper and suitable Ban List for us, and as such we were disappointed when once again we had to be reminded that UDE laughs in the face of reason before kicking it in the unmentionables and running away to poke at wasps' nests with short sticks.
You never know though we may end up getting some of the japanese cards we so sorely need and then the list may just make more sense to people.
Maruno said:
I guess having a Ban List that conforms to our environment just makes too much sense for them. It was only logical that we thought we would get another proper and suitable Ban List for us, and as such we were disappointed when once again we had to be reminded that UDE laughs in the face of reason before kicking it in the unmentionables and running away to poke at wasps' nests with short sticks.
Well, in UDE's defense (for once) it was Kevin who pushed Konami for a different Ban list last year. Konami makes our ban list and their the ones who truly don't care. He mentioned nothing about that this year prior to the list release like he did last time. It was our own fault for assuming that it was just going to happen again.
Worlds is why we unified the list. I'm not saying its justified, just trying to explain. Honestly, I'm excited for this new list. I hate OTK decks. I've run Last Turn decks, Cyber Stien, Exchange of Spirit, and I've even play tested Rescue Cat OTK. If you test these, and if you've ever had Top 8 at an SJC stolen from you by something like these you'd understand.

Time Seal's banning came just in time. A Time Seal lock deck was just starting to catch on at my local level, and I bet my team would've taken it to the next SJC, and then the deck would've caught on. We even saw some decks at Durham with Bottomless and Time Seal used in tandom to let you get smacked around a little. Also, looking at Time Seal, you can potentially loose your turn. Its good it's banned, otherwise the Time Seal deck would've created six months of Yata-lock without Yata. ::shutters::
I say dont push for different lists push for all the cards. thats it. now lets call kevin a loser until he does that and we get what we want. Whos with me?
This is still an "International Game". Until last year, when we cried and moaned about separation, the list was for everyone, everywhere, that fell under Konami/UDE coverage.

Is it fair to say, let's make a Ban List that better suits our Meta, and then force the Asian Territories to play with it, which also opens up their vast expanse of cards to thoroughly trounce us at Worlds, or, take what we get from their list, and at least be on somewhat "equal" terms.

Here is a Joke that some may find slightly derogatory in nature, but I think the main idea behind it applies,

A store that sells new husbands has just opened in London, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates.

You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch: you may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor.
There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

Now, change "women" to "Yugioh Players", and you get the idea. No matter what you do, you will never satisfy everyone, but you can try to satisfy the ones that accept what they can get.
LOL! Welcome to the American dream as it truly exists.

"I want what you have; I deserve more than someone next to me;the grass must be greener on the other side;life is unfair until you are all doing it MY way;someone needs to be matter if its their fault or not"

In ygo: they have cards we dont; TCG automatically deserves something different than OCG, ; (suchandsuch) is broken and should be banned...but dont touch MY favorite cards; players are lazy and ruin MY fun;Konami's fault, UDE's fault, judge's fault, other player's fault"

love the example, woo0!
Yes! We will be recognized as "AMERICANS" and the estados unidenses will finally be known as the Statsers/Statesians/wankers:p that they are (don't fret yall, Im one too)

Central American debt will be forgiven in Exchange for all the natural goods, resources, and democratically elected officials that have been stolen, destroyed, killed, or couped by US backed corporations like the CIA and United Fruit.

and, we will stop being recognized as peddlers of crime in its different forms simply because some corrupt officials in high ranking offices are caught with their hands in the cookie jar. We don't assume all U.S. is corrupt just because senators and governors are found drunk driving, embezzleing, or trying to weasle out of allowing poor people the right to vote or return home in New Orleans, do we? (maybe we should)

Sorry. Enough ranting. Kind of a sore spot with me, after having lived overseas so long. And here I made the faux paux of calling it the "american" dream in the first place. Thanks for reminding me, slither. :-x
And I thought I was the only one with that soft spot =P, we should stick together... ^>^
The British Dream:

A nice hot cup of tea.

But cards-wise, the ban was ok in some ways, but I think that it could have gone further to open up diversity in decks. I really dont want to go to another regionals and play against 5 slight variations on the same deck. I want to play against a rock deck, and a fairy deck, and a 'deck that relies on an interesting game mechanic' deck (TM applied for)...
mmm. You know, I want to start a tournament with quotas. first 5 Monarch control decks registered are the only ones allowed. What? Why yes, there is still an opening in the Water deck division. No, sorry, Tomato Control has been filled, why not look into our Beastdown dept. Opening there to be filled :p Get 25 to 40 people registered, and you have a guarantee of diversity at the tournament.

You would just have to advertise that fact well ahead of time, so that people can prepare alternative decks.
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