my unbeatable deck

the pharoah

King of Games.
My Beatdown Deck

5 - tribute monsters

1 - horus the black flame dragon lv6
1 - zaborg the thunder monarch
1 - mobius the frost monarch
2 - cyber dragon

14 - non-tribute monsters

1 - sangan
1 - injection fairy lily
1 - d.d. assailant
1 - d.d. warrior lady
1 - breaker the magcal warrior
1 - magician of faith
1 - mask of darkness
1 - spirit reaper
1 - berserk gorilla
3 - exarion universe
2 - blade knight

13 - spell cards

1 - swords of revealing light
1 - heavy storm
1 - graceful charity
1 - lightning vortex
1 - premature burial
1 - mystical space typhoon
1 - pot of avarice
1 - scapegoat
1 - nobleman of crossout
2 - brain control
2 - smashing ground

8 - trap cards

1 - mirror force
1 - call of the haunted
1 - torrential tribute
1 - ring of destruction
2 - bottomless trap hole
2 - sakuretsu armor

total cards 40

This deck has been used at least 3 times a week up till now and has been unbeaten for at least a month, so can i make it even more unbeatable?
have you considered exiled force or last will... this deck looks like a super aggressive deck i was trying to build sometime... id suggest putting in a magic cylinder... it may not seem so aggressive but your deck looks like its made to push through with beaststicks for maximum damage in battle... i think returning damage could be just as effective... what about ohka and ancient gear beast... ancient gear beast i like because of its effect although its stats may be low... its worth sidedecking... jinzo could be good 2... even if it stops your traps... for the period its on the field its gonna be the best... i like ohka because they can pop out quickly kill the strong threat and be reused by POA or last will a reaper in defence... thats what i do with my deck.
Now I'm no expert or nothing but blade knight and exarion are good for not much now that the chaos has passed. I would replace the exarion for engraged battle ox and the knights for exileds. mabye some rat's would be good.
"sirviper" i dont like magic sylinder becuase i would prefer to destroy there monsters to just redirecting one attack and i dont own the other cards you sugested

"i am cao pi" i didn't have exarion just for chaos sorcerer i put it in for it's stats and the effect becuase i usualy try to start a duel by setting a trap a spell card and exarion and it protects my monarch cards from smashing ground and i normaly get blade knight mid or late in a game when i have few or no cards in my hand so it's attack is 2000

oh and i dont like exiled force and have no use for giant rat
swords or revealing light died when tsukiyomi was limited
lightning vortex died when sinister was banned
berserk gorilla died when cyber dragon was released
blade knight has faded out of memory starting this format with the banning of tsukiyomi
scapegoat is a -1 in this format
there are better card you could be running instead of exarion universe
take out horus for another zaborg
Hmm, one for me. What exactly do you suggest instead of Exarion? I'm looking for a quick monster like him that's dark, scounge around, just something with 1700+ that's pretty much just beatdown, like him.
i think exarion is good for the fact that he can always turn on the piercing dmg... id keep it if i were you. use cards like mataza and rush reckless and axe of despair to pump up any monster to destructive level... mataza is always a pain with 3 stars... double the atk power and unsnatchable effect... hes great.