the pharoah
King of Games.
My Beatdown Deck
5 - tribute monsters
1 - horus the black flame dragon lv6
1 - zaborg the thunder monarch
1 - mobius the frost monarch
2 - cyber dragon
14 - non-tribute monsters
1 - sangan
1 - injection fairy lily
1 - d.d. assailant
1 - d.d. warrior lady
1 - breaker the magcal warrior
1 - magician of faith
1 - mask of darkness
1 - spirit reaper
1 - berserk gorilla
3 - exarion universe
2 - blade knight
13 - spell cards
1 - swords of revealing light
1 - heavy storm
1 - graceful charity
1 - lightning vortex
1 - premature burial
1 - mystical space typhoon
1 - pot of avarice
1 - scapegoat
1 - nobleman of crossout
2 - brain control
2 - smashing ground
8 - trap cards
1 - mirror force
1 - call of the haunted
1 - torrential tribute
1 - ring of destruction
2 - bottomless trap hole
2 - sakuretsu armor
total cards 40
This deck has been used at least 3 times a week up till now and has been unbeaten for at least a month, so can i make it even more unbeatable?
5 - tribute monsters
1 - horus the black flame dragon lv6
1 - zaborg the thunder monarch
1 - mobius the frost monarch
2 - cyber dragon
14 - non-tribute monsters
1 - sangan
1 - injection fairy lily
1 - d.d. assailant
1 - d.d. warrior lady
1 - breaker the magcal warrior
1 - magician of faith
1 - mask of darkness
1 - spirit reaper
1 - berserk gorilla
3 - exarion universe
2 - blade knight
13 - spell cards
1 - swords of revealing light
1 - heavy storm
1 - graceful charity
1 - lightning vortex
1 - premature burial
1 - mystical space typhoon
1 - pot of avarice
1 - scapegoat
1 - nobleman of crossout
2 - brain control
2 - smashing ground
8 - trap cards
1 - mirror force
1 - call of the haunted
1 - torrential tribute
1 - ring of destruction
2 - bottomless trap hole
2 - sakuretsu armor
total cards 40
This deck has been used at least 3 times a week up till now and has been unbeaten for at least a month, so can i make it even more unbeatable?